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الخميس، 27 مايو 2010

Increase your rotational strength for a more powerful golf swing

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Increase Your Rotational Strength For A More Powerful Golf Swing

Every golfer dreams of a fluid, unhindered golf swing. So why do so few of us actually achieve it?

golf swing, golf rotation, golf exercises, golf core, golf power, golf flexibility, golf stretches

Every golfer dreams of a fluid, unhindered golf swing. So why do so few of us actually achieve it?

The culprit is usually a weak core and poor posture.

You should aim for a healthy 60-degree rotation in your trunk if you want to achieve a free, smooth golf swing. Here are two simple exercises that you can perform to improve trunk rotation:

1. Improve Rotational Flexibility

Sit straight on a stool with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Hold your golf club across your shoulders. Turn around clockwise as far as you can, till you feel a good stretch. Then turn around anti-clockwise as far as you can. You might notice a difference in your turning ability on each side.

Work on your less flexible side to correct the imbalance. Having one side weaker than the other can affect your 'feel' for the game!

Many people perform this stretch standing, which is less effective as it permits movement at the knee and foot. Movement at these joints can compromise trunk rotation.

2. Improve Rotational Strength



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