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الخميس، 27 مايو 2010

Increase your response rate with this killer promotional gift tactic

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Increase Your Response Rate With This Killer Promotional Gift Tactic

You need to know this secret to giving the perfect promotional gifts to your clients - and guarantee results your accountant will notice.

promotional items, corporate promotional items, promotional gift items

You've been around the block a time or two. When it comes to choosing promotional gifts for your clients, you know your stuff. Why, you always get the nicest phone calls, notes and emails from your clients, thanking you for their gifts.

The question is: do those people call and write again with new orders for your company's product or service? Which, when all is said and done, is what giving clients promotional gifts is all about. Right?

Of course! And most of the time after those polite thank you calls and notes, you hear nothing, at least not right away and certainly not in the way of increased orders and sales.

That's why you need to know this secret to giving the perfect promotional gifts to your clients-and guarantee results your accountant will notice.

The secret is personalization. No, no, not as in giving gifts with names and such engraved on them, though those can be quite, quite nice.

No, this is individualized personalization. That's a mouthful, isn't it? What it means is that whe


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