Individual Hypnosis May Help You Overcome Shyness
Some people find it difficult to start a conversation with someone they have never met. It is not because they dont have anything to say but the fear of the other person rejecting them. Fortunately, you can seize the day with a little help from a hypnotist that will make you overcome shyness through individual hypnosis.
But what is individual hypnosis? Basically, the hypnotist enters the mind of the patient and makes some changes in their subconscious. In this case, this will make the person feel at ease socializing with other people and make more friends.
Aside from meeting a hypnotist to do the work, you can also do it yourself through self-hypnosis. The only difference is that you will be doing is by yourself while listening to a recorded tape or CD.
To do this, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to improve what you are right now which is the preparation stage of hypnosis.
When you are ready, you put on the tape and then sit on a chair or lie down and then follow the instructions. Just be careful that you dont get too comfortable otherwise you will fall asleep.
One thing you have to do when you practice self-hypnosis is to control your breathing pattern. If there is noise around or you feel an itch, acknowledge that it is there but block it out and then focus your attention on the recording.
Eventually you will go into the deepening stage of hypnosis where you begin to address the issues of shyness. This is likely caused by bad experiences and you have to let them go and realize that such an experience could be different when you meet other people.
You have to learn to be optimistic also about the future and then slowly return to reality remembering everything you experienced throughout the session.
For people who find it difficult to do this on their own, they can always turn to a hypnotist. This person will guide them throughout the entire session and also wake up having the same feeling of positive energy all around them.
The challenge now is to meet people and then see how well they are able to react to them. If the person is able to have a conversation, then obviously there is an improvement. If the person does not have the guts yet, well you probably need a few more sessions to have the courage to change for the better.
Individual hypnosis can do a lot for a person and in some cases may not have a profound effect on them. If this has not worked well for you, dont give up because there are other means to overcome shyness.
When you undergo individual or self hypnosis, you have done your share to improve who you are as a person. Will this change the outcome when you meet people? It depends who you meet because some people are friendly while others are not when you meet them up close.
If this is the case, the problem is not with you. The problem is with them and they have to realize that before they can get the same sort of counseling which you went through to also be able to socialize with other individuals.
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