The Redemptive Self Explored in the Soul and Mind
Search of source of inspiration for happiness and success in life
Living force forms an integral part of every human being. This basically refers to what we known as inspiration. This is a unique force that motivates an individual to achieve his or her goals in life. It lifts up our spirits and gives us an opportunity to appreciate the everyday joys of life. So we can also say that it is also linked to the happiness of an individual. It revitalizes the energy that lies within ourselves, makes us feel liberated and brings out the child that is hidden within us.
However, some of us may find it difficult to be inspired. For such people, there are certain points that should be kept in mind that will help them in finding their source of inspiration. Firstly, a person should open his mind to new ideas and concepts in life. This means that one should not just stick to their previous experiences, judgments, and perspectives. New thoughts should also be explored. This will improve a persons understanding and he or she will be able to comprehend better people around them and difficult situations of life. Next thing is that, the person should not restrict oneself and confine himself in the boundaries of their daily schedule.
This is to say that a sincere and dedicated attitude towards the responsibilities is important, no doubts, but sometimes freedom is essential. So we can say that a kind of leeway is necessary for inspiration. Discovering new things such as those that are found in a museum or trying to involving in creative works like writing poems, or interacting with people from different backgrounds helps a lot in broadening the horizons of an individual. All these things encourage a person to search for an inspiration and sparks up the force that is veiled in our inner self. Last but not the least, One should also minimize the time spend in the company of pessimistic people as this may make him a cynical person as well.
This inspiration gives a person a hope to reach out to his goals. Lack of inspiration, result in the degradation of the inner self of a person. The inspiration or the living force of a person comes from different sources for every individual. On the one hand, few people take their teachers, any famous celebrities or freedom fighters as their inspiration. On the other hand, nature and the scenic beauty around instigate many people. This inspiration actually gives a meaning to their lives and guides them to the correct path. It gives a direction and focus in life. This makes them achieve the heights of success both on the personal and professional front.
For instance, everyone needs to attain intelligence, learn, and acquire knowledge to be on the top. But, only a motivational force of an individual brings out in him a craving to learn and gain as much knowledge as possible. With someone to guide and support him, an individual starts trusting on his capabilities and cross the hurdles that come on his way easily. Thus, it serves to act as a way to realize his aim in life. It creates in a person an enthusiasm to live life to the fullest. It instills in him the confidence, daring and expectation to reach out to the impossible. This confidence and daring enables him to take risks and move ahead with a positive attitude towards varying circumstances faced by him. Thus, a positive outlook generally ensures a constructive outcome. Thus, all these small things when put together bring about a great change in the life of a person. It enables him take the necessary steps in the direction of what he as
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