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الجمعة، 26 فبراير 2010

The role of cynergytk and phytessence wakame in your anti aging treatment

The Role of CynergyTK and Phytessence Wakame in Your Anti-aging Treatment

How does your anti-aging treatment cream address the aging signs on your skin? Does it target the main cause of the skin problems? Or does it only pay attention to the outer core of your skin? If you are experiencing the signs of aging, it is important to evaluate the kind of anti-aging treatment products that you are using. A good product is supposedly targeting the main sources of your aging and not just keeping the physical appearance in good shape while the inner part is still suffering from the degraded condition.

An anti-aging skin care is not only about making your skin look healthy and youthful but also about keeping it elastic and firm. Therefore, the product that you should be using must contain ingredients which help address the main source of the development of aging signs. Two of the most essential ingredients are in the form of CynergyTK and Phytessence Wakame.

Quick Overview of Aging Process

When you were in your early years, your skin has the tensile strength that makes it elastic and firm. This is so because there are important structural proteins in your body, the elastin and collagen. These proteins are mainly responsible for keeping the tissues and cells of your skin in great condition so that your skin from the inner and outer layers is kept tight and elastic. They are also the reason why when your skin is pinched and stretched, it gets back to its normal, original size and shape. Ultimately, your elastin and collagen found in your body form a bond between these proteins to create fibers which give the skin the strength.

But as you get older, production of these structural proteins starts to slow down. Since they are the reason why your skin is in great shape, the lack of them affects greatly the skin so that it starts to show fine lines, wrinkles, becomes sagging, and develops uneven marks. The result, the youth and radiance of your skin diminishes. During these times, the need to use any anti-aging treatment product becomes necessary to inhibit more formation of the aging signs.

But what if your product doesn't have what it takes to actually take care of your skin? Of course, it will produce negative effects and may worsen the condition of your skin. That is the reason why it is very important to examine the contents of any anti-aging treatment product that you are using to ensure that it is working just as what is expected to correct the problem of your skin. Two of the most important ingredients that you should be looking when searching for the right product are CynergyTK and Phytessence Wakame.

What are these CynergyTK and Phytessence Wakame?

The CynergyTK is a breakthrough in the industry as it has been proven to encourage and stimulate re-growth of both elastin and collagen in your body. Although your body knows how to produce these proteins, these are not enough that the CynergyTK is needed to boost their production even more.

The Phytessence Wakame is an ingredient that stops hyaluronidase activity, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid. This acid is an important part of your body's structural proteins as it glues together collagen and elastin to form the protein fibers. The same with the two proteins, the hyaluronic acid diminishes as you get older so using an anti-aging treatment product that contains Phytessense Wakame is a must to preserve and maintain the youthfulness of the skin.


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The role of customer facing operations with crm

The Role Of Customer Facing Operations With CRM

Customer relationship management is a strategy
focusing on the customer making their experience
excellent with the business.

The customer facing operations aspect of CRM is vital
because these are the individuals the customers have
direct contact with.

People can be the customer facing operations portion
and provide the experience the company desires when
they work in positions as customer service, sales, or
any position that has direct contact with.

When you have direct contact with a customer and you
are polite and courteous then you are creating a good
experience for them and it makes them want to come
back. This includes answering any questions the
customer might have and if you dont know the answer
then finding someone who does.

When you are rude or discourteous to a customer then
you are creating a bad experience and potentially
losing a customer for life.

Computer systems and o


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The role of calcium in your dogs diet

The Role of Calcium in Your Dog's Diet

It is important for your dog's diet to contain all of the essential vitamins to ensure excellent health. One of the important nutrients in your dog's diet is calcium. When we think of calcium, strong teeth and bones come to mind. Your dog's diet should be rich in calcium to support healthy teeth and bones, but a delicate balance exist in relationship to calcium and your dog's diet.

It is possible to have too much or too little calcium in your dog's diet. When a dog's diet contains too little calcium, your dog may develop a condition called rickets. This condition creates soft bones that bend under the weight of your dog.

In contrast, too much calcium can create bone abnormalities, as well. Large breed dogs, for example, who are given too much calcium as puppies in their diet, will develop large bones that are low in density. Strength is a problem with such bones due to the large amount of calcium supplements.

When your dog's diet contains appropriate levels of calcium, such bone abnormalities occur infrequently. This is just one more reason to carefully select an appropriate diet for your dog. Always consult with your veterinarian to determine the best amount of calcium in your dog's diet.

Calcium plays an important role in your dog's diet, but other vitamins and nutrients work hand in hand with calcium. Some minerals are interdependent. Calcium happens to be one of such mineral nutrients.

Calcium works together with phosphorus. A balance of the two nutrients calcium and phosphorus must exist in a healthy ratio to ensure a dog diet that will maximize the potential advantages for your pet. Studies involving animal nutrition show that a ratio of 1.0 to 2.0 parts calcium should be coupled with 1.0 part phosphorus. When calcium and phosphorus ratios vary greatly from this range, bone troubles result.

Dog diets consisting exclusively of meats, will not provide the proper amount of calcium and phosphorus to create healthy bones. Such a diet results in a ratio of about 1.0 part calcium to 18 parts phosphorus. The range of absorption is where the trouble begins.

Vitamin D is another nutrient that influences the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. If a dog's diet lacks the appropriate amount of vitamin D, the other nutrients will not provide all the benefits to your pet. Excessive amounts of vitamin D can have toxic effects on your dog. It is imperative to maintain appropriate levels of vitamin D in your dog's diet. Again, feeding your dog food from a reputable company will allow you confidence in knowing that your dog's diet is healthy.

During pregnancy or when your dog is nursing, higher levels of calcium are important in your dog's diet. At this time, feed your pet extra amounts of a balanced dog food. You should not have to supplement your pet at this time.

Milk fever, or eclampsia, cannot be avoided with calcium supplements. Eclampsia is not a nutritional deficiency, but a metabolic condition that affects the dog after the pups have been born and begin nursing.

Avoid supplementing your dog's diet with calcium or other nutrients without specific discussion with your vet. When calcium, for example, is out of balance, health can truly be effected negatively. Feeding your dog a balanced diet is essential. Reputable dog food companies have researched animal nutrition to ensure the best possible health for your dog. Providing your dog's diet in a healthy, balanced formula may be the best way to take care of your pet.


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The role of brokers in online stock trade

The Role Of Brokers In Online Stock Trade

The online stock brokers play a significant role in online stock trade for those who want to invest but do not possess a good amount of amount to play. They are different from the traditional stock brokers in terms of investing and managing money.

Significant Role Of Online Stock Brokers

In the world of financial ups and downs, it has become a difficult task to know the best method of investing your money. Stock exchange has always acted as a platform between the stock ...

stocks, online stocks, online stock tradeing

The online stock brokers play a significant role in online stock trade for those who want to invest but do not possess a good amount of amount to play. They are different from the traditional stock brokers in terms of investing and managing money.

Significant Role Of Online Stock Brokers

In the world of financial ups and downs, it has become a difficult task to know the best method of investing your money. Stock exchange has always acted as a platform between the stock traders and the companies in the form of buyers and sellers respectively. The invested money of the investors is always utilized by the company in further expansion of the business to increase profits.

In the traditional method of stock trade, the investors were assisted by the stock brokers in the process of buying and selling of stock and in building the financial portfolio of the investors. But since the discovery of internet, a new easy method of stock trade has come up which is known as online stock trade and it only requires the turning ON of your computer. The online stock brokers play a significant role in the market of finance by helping the online traders to hit their financial goals.

There are numerous online stock brokers in the stock market but the most commonly used ones are Ameritrade, ETrade Financial, Fidelity, and Schwab. These stock brokers work in a very systematic way as they estimate the financial condition of the investor, they execute the financial plan, and assist the investors in investing in the stocks.

Online brokers keep on updating the investors with the updated and latest news and information in terms of stock quotes, performances of each stock, and companys financial status via online accounts created through online brokers. This information really helps the investors in investing and coming out with the profitable results.

How To Select Online Stock Brokers

The online stock trade has proved to be very much beneficial with the assistance of online stock brokers. But it is in your hands to choose the best stock broker in order to be on the bright side in the world of finances. Therefore, you should consider the following points while choosing your online stock broker.

1 - It is always recommended to begin with a full service broker for the beginners in order to become confident and knowledgeable in the market of finance therefore you should not consider discount as the standard requirement if you are a beginner.

2 - You should keep on checking the website performance especially during the peaks hours so that you should be very much familiar with the site in order to clear the confusions else it may lead to mistakes.

3 - You should always opt for the broker who can be accessed by some different modes other than internet. For e.g. via telephone, fax, etc.

4 - It is always suggested to have a proper survey of the finance market in order to get an apt stock broker.

5 - It is recommended to go for the brokerage firms that require a minimum deposit for opening an account. There are many firms that do not possess any minimum deposit at all therefore you can enjoy the liberty of depositing and withdrawing amount according to your wish but the account will remain open.

6 - You should prefer to open an account with the broker offering lowest commission cost.

7 - You can opt for the broker who not only deals in stock market rather offer other financial services like CDs, municipal bonds, mutual funds, gold or silver certificates, etc so that you can withdraw profits from these financial services also.

8 - You should confirm beforehand that the brokerage firm in with which you are going to deal with should possess 24 x 7 hours customer care service in order to assist you every time whenever required by you.

Therefore, anyone can enjoy the thrill of online stock trade but should always begin this business of finance with the assistance of a good brokerage firm in order to be on the profitable side of the stock market.


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The role of antioxidants in good health and healthy living

The Role of Antioxidants in Good Health And Healthy Living

Everyone has heard about the importance of a balanced diet for maintaining good health. Similarly, everyone knows that they should be getting exercise - or at the very least adding more activity into their days. Getting a good night's sleep is essential - without it, you'll find that your immune system starts to slack off a bit and you put yourself at a greater risk for catching a cold or coming down with the flu. We all know what we should be doing, but let's be honest: we don't do it...

good health, healthy living, antioxidants, anti-oxidants, good diet, diet, nutrition, toxins, balanced diet,

Everyone has heard about the importance of a balanced diet for maintaining good health. Similarly, everyone knows that they should be getting exercise - or at the very least adding more activity into their days. Getting a good night's sleep is essential - without it, you'll find that your immune system starts to slack off a bit and you put yourself at a greater risk for catching a cold or coming down with the flu.

We all know what we should be doing, but let's be honest: very few of us eat a balanced diet all of the time. Many of us make the choice to take the elevator rather than the stairs and we try to find a parking place that's as close as possible to our destination rather than taking the opportunity to walk a little further. We also tend to let stress, work, social gatherings and more interfere with the amount of sleep that we're able to get each night.

When we don't go the extra mile to take care of ourselves, and when our immune systems start to falter because of it, we may not feel it right away. Soon, sluggishness starts creeping in. This sluggishness not only slows us down, it also ages us prematurely.

Fortunately, there's something that we can do in order to maintain our young living. We can maintain our youth simply by adding antioxidants to our diet.

What are antioxidants? The simplest answer is that antioxidants are the vitamins and minerals found in foods that serve to fight off disease. The more complex answer is that antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium, Vitamin A that are found in fruits and vegetables. By making an effort to add antioxidants to our diet, we can keep our young living going; we can keep ourselves healthier longer.

Antioxidants are, in effect, sponges that soak up the free radicals in our systems. By fighting the free radicals in our bodies - free radicals that are the result of less healthy foods that we eat, alcohol that we drink and smoke that we're exposed to (whether we smoke cigarettes ourselves or are exposed to second hand smoke from friends, family members who smoke, neighbors in our apartment buildings or co-workers at the office) - by adding more fruits and vegetables to our diet and by adding young living essential oils, we are better able to maintain our good health and reduce the risk of developing some cancers and even heart disease and stroke.

Young living oils take the essential oils from lemons and oranges and combine them with Ningxia wolfberries, juices from blueberries and pomegranate, along with other nutrient sources. Those who add antioxidants in this way will find that they:

* have increased energy; that they have regained a sense of young living that doesn't come from caffeine or other stimulants that effect you for a short while and then wear off leaving you to crash even harder, feeling more tired than you had before, and,

* help you to protect your body from the effects of a weakened immune system that comes from a lack of adequate self care.

However, increased energy and a sense of better health aren't the only reasons why young living oils are beneficial to your body. The other reason is that the antioxidants serve to help your body to work more effectively. From boosting your immune function to helping your liver to better filter out toxins, from improving your cardiovascular function to maintaining the health of your eyes, you'll find that antioxidants along with you living oils just help you to feel better.

While you may not always be able to make the time to eat balanced meals, you may not always be able to make time for a run or for time at the gym, you'll find that increasing the antioxidants in your body with young living oils doesn't take much time but still offers many of the same benefits. You'll also find that, because the energy rush young living essential oils is all natural and without stimulants, not only won't you crash out but also your sleep cycle is less likely to be disrupted.

Are these essential oils the magic bullet to good health? Not necessarily, but that doesn't mean they aren't the key to young living.


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The role of an online stock broker

The Role Of An Online Stock Broker

The world of the Internet provides investors with a whole other world of investment. Because of the Internet you can get involved in the stock market on your own terms, with less money and be in contact with your stocks all the time.

Online stock brokers play a large role in the investment life of people who want to get into investing but either dont know where to start or dont have a large capital to get them started. Online stockbrokers are very different from usual b...


The world of the Internet provides investors with a whole other world of investment. Because of the Internet you can get involved in the stock market on your own terms, with less money and be in contact with your stocks all the time.

Online stock brokers play a large role in the investment life of people who want to get into investing but either dont know where to start or dont have a large capital to get them started. Online stockbrokers are very different from usual brokers. So they will help you with investing but will not normally manage your investments and money.

The investment world that we live in now it has become increasingly hard to know what the best path for your money is. There are no longer any sure bets. There is however an art to the science of investment.

The stock exchange has always been the middle ground that acts like a platform for the stock traders and the offering companies to buy and sell. Generally once a company is invested in, it will use the invested funds to grow the company and expand areas, which will help them, achieve long-term goals. So once a company is ready to float, it means that is ready to grow.

In the pre-Internet world the traditional stock market works a little like this. Investors use and are assisted by stock brokers who will help their clients buy and sell their stocks. The broker will help their clients build a portfolio and help manage it. This is still done, but because of the Internet you have options.

The Internet provides you with the option of having an online stockbroker. An online stockbroker will offer you help in reaching your financial goals. By keeping a breast f the financial condition your online broker will make informed decisions. Online stockbrokers will charge less in commissions but will generally give you a little less for it. But if you work with someone that you trust, it should work out to your benefit.

When choosing and using an online broker you should however take these points in to consideration.

1.     Its best to start with a full service broker and wean off then to an online broker.

2.     Check your performance regularly so that you are familiar with your portfolio.

3.     Always have a range of contact points for your broker.
4.     Always choose a broker that has range of services and can offer you a range of options.

5.     Go for a broker, which will allow you to start with a smaller minimum deposit. Perhaps go for a broker that will let you open an account without a minimum deposit. You will gage their dedication by this.
6.     Go for a broker with low commission structures, but not always the lowest because you might not get a good service.

7.     Do a quick background search on your broker; the Internet has made this very easy. Just do a search with their name, address and or phone number.

8.     Never go with a broker that does not give you all of the fee information up front and straight away. If they hide anything, dont give them your hard earned money!


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The role of an autism support group

The Role Of An Autism Support Group

Having an autistic child or dependent adult is very draining on both caregivers and relatives. Knowing how to advocate and care for you your loved ones, while increasing general awareness, and caring for yourself are essential day to day necessities that require your immediate attention. the best resource to help you cope with an autistic child or dependent adult is an autism support group. These groups bring together professionals that are experts in the field of autism and ...


Having an autistic child or dependent adult is very draining on both caregivers and relatives. Knowing how to advocate and care for you your loved ones, while increasing general awareness, and caring for yourself are essential day to day necessities that require your immediate attention. the best resource to help you cope with an autistic child or dependent adult is an autism support group. These groups bring together professionals that are experts in the field of autism and those who interact with autism on a day to day basis. Together they use this forum to swap ideas, and encourage, and educate each other. An autism support group to be effective must play five critical roles on a day to day basis.

Partnership and Comprehensive Support

An autism support group must help bring people together and aid in the formation of partnerships to encourage interaction and growth between all involved. This support will provide a foundation upon which the groups members will grow and participate in the educational opportunities that are available and help match the needs of the autistic dependents with the needs of their families and caregivers. The support group should also provide Comprehensive support that is directed towards the objective that all autistic dependents receive a complete or traditional education designed specifically to the needs of the autistic.

Positive and Educational Support

Another major function of an autism support group is to offer positive support to the autistic child, and their caregivers by providing an atmosphere of encouragement and a safe environment to vent and express ones emotions without fear of reprisal or judgment. This positive support will help break down barriers, and allow positive accomplishments to flourish and be recognized.

All the positive support in the world will accomplish nothing without building a solid foundation for education and the support group must promote educational programs to increase the knowledge of its members and prepare them with the information needed to be able to care for and support their loved ones. As an educational resource the support group becomes tasked with the responsibility for disseminating information about the disability, its symptoms, and treatments, and to provide support for the family's with autistic dependents.


The final and most critical function of an autism support group is their role as an advocate to protect and educate those that do not understand autism and often neglect the needs of the autistic patients as a result. An autism support group must represent the autistic community and push for the needs of the autistic community at large..


Find Your Focus - End Procrastination Without Willpower

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The role of a photographer

The role of a Photographer

Wendy as a photographer has grown to be an artist. Expressionsbywendy.com the website is a simple picture of the artistic moves by Wendy in the career of photography. As a Photographer it has definitely taken a mode of an artistic journey of being nothing to becoming a photographer in capturing spirits, emotions, phases of life and expressions.

newborn photos frisco, children photos plano, newborn photos frisco, plano, dallas, plano photographer, frisco photographer, photographer in frisco, photographer in plano

Wendy as a photographer has grown to be an artist. Expressionsbywendy.com the website is a simple picture of the artistic moves by Wendy in the career of photography. As a Photographer it has definitely taken a mode of an artistic journey of being nothing to becoming a photographer in capturing spirits, emotions, phases of life and expressions.

The role of a Photographer is to create something out of nothing. A Photographer brings life to a click of a picture. This obviously involves not only imagination but a gift of recognizing the motion of a simple picture or a portrayal. The role of the photographer also signifies in recording the still images that are produced into a product. A brief is prepared by the interactive designer or the project manager.

A photographer is called on to photograph a wide range of subjects from human subjects captured or posed in action to places such as buildings, landscapes, interiors to objects such as personal or cultural artefacts. The photograph is expert on using the specialist equipment necessary to bring life to the photographs as screens, backgrounds, spot lightning and copystands. The photographer is also responsible for the development of the film and hence discusses with artistic director or interactive designer for the quality of images in the photograph. The photographer has tremendous responsibilities as converting the image to digital format, either by scanning or image grabbing.

Photographer is experienced and knowledgeable in the field, expressionsbywendy.com have experience in shooting a wide range of subject matter in different conditions and settings. They are familiar with trends in digital photography as well; they are also experts in professional image editing and processing software such as Adobe Photoshop.

Expressionbywendy.com has come a long way in the field of photography. It definitely started of with a passion to having a full blown professional business. It has fulfilled the roles of a professional business in every other way.

The website is designed of portraits to see the work of Wendy in the field of Photography. The website is the panorama for different photography sessions. The website is designed beautifully to understand the full blown role of a photographer in the field of photography. There is immense counterpart by the website to reflect the works of the photography and the trend of photography. It not only depicts the true colors in photography but also adds on to the beauty of design and features.

It compliments to the talent of photographer in acknowledging the beauty in the field of photography. It portrays valuable pictures and modes of different colors being added to the talent of photography.


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The role magnesium plays in the plan for good health

The Role Magnesium Plays in the Plan for Good Health

Following a diet consisting of a variety of healthy food choices is really all that is necessary to stay healthy.

nutrition, multi vitamins

Following a diet consisting of a variety of healthy food choices is really all that is necessary to stay healthy. The problem in our society is that there are too many temptations to keep us off the path of healthy eating. Although this is often the case, you should be careful that your body may not be getting the nutrients it needs.

When your body does not get the vitamins and minerals it needs it will often give you warning signs. It can take a couple of days or many years, but if you fail to act on these warning signs you run the risk of developing a serious health condition. If you don't feel that you know your body well enough to know when you are in good health, a visit to your health practitioner for a physical may be necessary.

Of the minerals that you should attempt to consume sufficient amounts of on a regular basis is magnesium. Magnesium is a metallic element that plays several vital roles in the body. Magnesium is essential


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The road trip less traveled

The Road Trip Less Traveled

When president Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act 50 years ago, he may have started the glorious tradition of the great American road trip.

The Road Trip Less Traveled

When President Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act 50 years ago, he may have started the glorious tradition of the great American road trip. Seasoned travel writer Eric Peterson takes full advantage of the public works project, and in his book "Ramble: A Field Guide to the U.S.A." reveals some brilliant, off-the-beaten-path landmarks you won't find in a typical guidebook. And with Microsoft Streets & Trips 2006 with GPS Locator, you can plan stylized getaways to unique destinations such as those Peterson has discovered.

Ale, With A Sideshow

Of Bad Art

Whether you're a high roller or a rock 'n' roller, the Northeast offers something for everybody. Where else can you grab a bite at the Big Apple's oldest bar, McSorley's Old Ale House in Manhattan, take in a sideshow on Coney Island and still make it up to Dedham, Mass., for a stop at the Museum of Bad Art-all in a day?

A Mason-Dixon Good Time

After eating a drumstick in Gainesville, Ga., where it is illegal to eat fried chicken with


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The road to your child s success goes through reading

The Road To Your Childs Success Goes Through Reading

From the first day your child enters this world and hears the sound of your voice, they begin their foundation for understanding the language and becoming a reader.

From that first moment on, each time you speak to your child and respond to the sounds that they make, you are their teacher helping them to improve their understanding of the language that surrounds them in their new world.

Reading is the foundation from which all other education is built upon, and the spoken language is preparation of the surface on which this foundation will be laid.

With language as the surface for the foundation, and infants being such natural sponges soaking in everything around them, every opportunity you have to communicate with your child should be taken advantage of.

Talk, listen, and respond to your child. Sing and read to and with your child and youll be mapping a course of success.

A childs early experience is, of course, language. They take in and very soon begin to imitate that which they see and hear. Soon to follow will be the recognition of the individual characters that make up the language. From there the individual characters morph into words, words then become sentences and onward. And as reading continues to develop, so does the childs vocabulary as they encounter, recognize, and master even more new words. Then there is writing that soon develops and builds as it all ties back to reading.

With all of this going on, its easy to understand that becoming a reader is a step by step process for children. Not all learn at the same pace and some children will need more practice and attention than others.

However, by the age of about 7 most children are on their way. During this time frame, even the children experiencing difficulties can overcome them and become a very successful reader when given the proper attention. Your active participation in this early development of your childs reading skills is vitally important.

It will be a time not only filled with wonderful moments of bonding and celebrating successes, but it is a foundation you are building that your child will benefit from for their entire lifetime.

Although this timeline is greatly condensed in the form of this article, you should easily see the importance and the direct correlation reading has to the long term success that your child experiences.

When your child is but a baby, read aloud to them regularly throughout each day. Cuddle up with them and read them a story in the afternoon. And by all means dont forget about the tried and true bedtime story.

Make reading to your child a quiet, comfortable, and loving time for them; one that they look forward to and enjoy. If they are restless, energetic, and in play mode, save the reading time for when they unwind and ready to snuggle up.

Generally speaking, try to spend at least a half hour a day reading with your child. Keeping their natural attention span in mind, early on your reading time will be shorter and more often.

Needless to say, with young children, a set schedule is tough to follow as each day is such a new adventure for kids this age.

Dont worry if your reading times dont consistently come together at the same times each day. The key is to look for those quiet opportunities for reading and bonding time. Your child will begin to associate reading with something that is fun and enjoyable and not something that is an interruption to the rest of their day.

Doing this will keep reading fun for both of you, develop good reading habits with your child, and lay the foundation for a lifetime of successes.



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The road to perfect abs

The road to the perfect abs
Belly fat is one of the most annoying aspects of trying to keep fit. This is because it affects about 40% of the general population and in some cases even half the population. Belly fat and obesity go hand in hand and are caused by the excess fat accumulating in the body to the extent that it becomes a health risk. There are many problems associated with belly fat and more and more people are getting into rigorous programs and different types of diets to shape up and reduce belly fat. Getting the perfect stomach abs is the goal of both men and women across the divide. But how can you get the perfect abs?

One way is to check your diet. The major culprit in belly fat accumulation is diet that is high in cholesterol, proteins and trans fats (animal fats). Getting rid of excess fat in the diet involves being vigilant whenever you are purchasing groceries. This means reading carefully what is on the label and making sure that you buy only that which has a healthy mix when it comes to carbohydrates and fats. Avoiding fats altogether is important and this involves knowing which foods are high in fats and which ones are now. Educating yourself on the best diets is paramount if you want to attain the perfect abs. There is an excellent website run by the USFDA called mypryramid.gov and this shows which are the best diets and what their calories composition is.

Another great way to get great abs is to exercise. Many people are deterred by the high gym memberships but these need not be a deterrent. Many apartments in the US have free gymnasiums. One can also run, jog, do sit-ups and bench presses right from the comfort of their home.




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The river of affluence

The River Of Affluence

"The real 'haves' are they who can acquire freedom, self-confidence, and even riches without depriving others of them. They acquire all of these by developing and applying their potentialities. On the other hand, the real 'have nots' are they who cannot have aught except by depriving others of it. They can feel free only by diminishing the freedom of others, self-confident by spreading fear and dependence among others, and rich by making others poor." - Eric Hoffer

How doe...

Persuasion, sales training, persuading the affluent, self improvement, communication

"The real 'haves' are they who can acquire freedom, self-confidence, and even riches without depriving others of them. They acquire all of these by developing and applying their potentialities. On the other hand, the real 'have nots' are they who cannot have aught except by depriving others of it. They can feel free only by diminishing the freedom of others, self-confident by spreading fear and dependence among others, and rich by making others poor." - Eric Hoffer

How does it strike you when I say, 'I love money'? I love wealth and affluence and abundance.

What do you think when you read that?

Some people say, 'Well, duh. Everyone loves money.'

There are others who will feel uncomfortable with an unfettered love of affluence.

There's a Bible passage that says, 'It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:24) And perhaps you grew up with the idea that loving money and wealth is greedy.

Not feeling worthy, issues of deserveability plague many people and our relationships to money can be very complicated, as can our desire to accumulate wealth.

For the most part, our culture, especially compared to some horribly impoverished nations, is a very rich one. And our position of relative affluence can inspire feelings of crippling guilt in contrast.

It's complex.

By immersing ourselves in the flow of an affluent mindset, we create and attract more to us.

To create more, to expand our universes, we create a vacuum in our lives in relation to affluence so that the universe will respond by giving us more of what we are asking.

Here's the deal with money:

Money is its own energy and it's a very specific, precise energy and you have to learn to get into the flow of money or else it will control you. I work all the time to stay in alignment with that and to make it even more prevalent in my life.

You need to be realistic. Your goals can't be outlandish. An example of outlandish: 'I'm going to make a million dollars this year' when you've never even made $100,000 before. If your goal is 'undoable' in your subconscious mind, you'll sabotage yourself from the get go. But you can increase your expectations as time goes on. This will get you into the flow of affluence.

Money is like an ocean. . . there is so much more of it that you can or should ever take for just yourself. There is plenty to go around.

Like the water in the ocean, the only shortage is in your ability to carry it home. And even that's not a shortage, you just need to learn how to do it.

All you have to do is create a specific strategy to extract what you want. And you can grow or diminish it at will. But if you don't do it at will, it's going to do it to you. It's going to tell you how much you can have and how much you need and what you can do. It's going to be in control of you all of the time.

We simply need to understand that we're in control, that we can manifest whatever it is we want at will.

It's that simple, while at the same time, profound. Change your attitude about money, and it's flow, and watch as you accumulate more of what you want.


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The river grasses

The River Grasses

Have you ever sat by a river and watched the mesmerizingly graceful movement of the river grasses, which surrender themselves completely to the flow of the river?

At their base they are firmly attached to a rock on the riverbed. If they were not securely attached in this way, they would be carried away by the current and would perish.

The upper part of these grasses has absolutely no resistance and is thus free to flow in an infinite variety of movements caused by ...

balance, health, spirit, discipilne, freedom, flow, peace,

Have you ever sat by a river and watched the mesmerizingly graceful movement of the river grasses, which surrender themselves completely to the flow of the river?

At their base they are firmly attached to a rock on the riverbed. If they were not securely attached in this way, they would be carried away by the current and would perish.

The upper part of these grasses has absolutely no resistance and is thus free to flow in an infinite variety of movements caused by the river's ever-changing flow pattern.

A similar type of event may be seen while observing various sea grasses, which are attached to the bottom of the sea and move with the gentle currents and tides.

We have something to learn from these grasses. We can learn the delicate balance between discipline and freedom, between routine and diversity, between control and surrender, between tradition and change. Obviously, too much of any of these opposite qualities will create problems.

On the one hand we need to have discipline, routine, control and tradition to give us a security base, a moral base, a sense of inner strength and stability in facing the ever-changing circumstances of life.

Spiritual disciplines such as prayer, concentration, meditation, proper diet, self-analysis, exercises and breathing techniques help to create that centered feeling of an inner stability and inner security.

Then we can feel free to allow ourselves to flow with life, trusting the Divine, life, others and our own selves; free from the fear of being harmed, overcome or swept off our feet.

The greater our connection with our inner security base, the more spontaneous and free we can allow ourselves to be.

We all need to find our own way of connecting ourselves to the spiritual rock within us, so that we may adjust and cope in a more relaxed way with the ever-changing situations and tests of life.

Be disciplined and flow.

(This small "Parable - Model" is one of over 90 to be found in the forthcoming book "Contemporary Parables" by Robert Elias Najemy.)


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The risks of solar energy

The Risks Of Solar Energy

When people talk about solar energy, all they really talk about is how much this alternative form of energy source is a great source for power and electricity, and how this source of energy can help you save a lot on your utility bills. However, there are certain things and aspects about solar energy that should be discussed with people, especially since solar energy is now being integrated in constructing modern day houses and structures, and are even now becoming a viable source for power and electricity.

One of those things that should be discussed involves the risk of using solar energy. This article will try to present to you some facts and information about the risks involved in using solar energy. Before we can discuss more about the different risks, let us first discuss what solar energy is, and how it is produced in order to understand its different risks.

Known Dangers of Solar Energy

For those of you who dont know, solar energy is actually produced from a process that occurs within the sun known as nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is actually the very same process that is involved in nuclear power plants, and actually employs the same basic nuclear physics laws that applies to atomic bombs. This is definitely a major cause for alarm for most people.

Aside from that, add the fact that the main energy source for solar energy is actually hydrogen, which is a form of gas that is highly explosive, and that is definitely something that you should be aware of. Hydrogen is a tremendously destructive component that can be found in H-bombs, and also produces dangerous fallout for those exposed.

These known dangers of solar energy may sound very threatening, but these are not the only things that you should be worried about, for solar energy could also have other not so well-known dangers that could pose a risk to your health.

Solar Energy Radiation

Right now, we are all actually being subjected to the suns background radiation, which could be dangerous if exposure to it exceeded a certain level. There is really nothing we can do to prevent being exposed to such background radiation other than to simply avoid sun exposure.

However, if your home uses solar energy to power up your house, you might find it more difficult to do. Since solar energy technology harnesses the power of the sun by concentrating the sunlight, and using its energy to light up your homes light bulb, you could very well be irradiating your entire home, something which could cause skin cancer later on.

Blindness from Solar Energy

Another danger that could stem from using solar energy to power up your different gadgets and electronics at home is that it could cause blindness if you were to expose your eyes to too much radiation from them, just like staring directly at the sun for too long.

Solar Energy Fire Hazards

Since most solar collectors basically concentrate the sunlight that they are able to collect from the sun, it can be a fire hazard, especially since fire can very easily start if there were very high concentrations and levels of solar energy. These high and dangerous levels of solar concentrations could easily ignite combustible materials, making it a possible hire hazard on any home.

These are just some of the risks that solar energy could pose on you, so make sure that you do some researching first before deciding on whether you want to get and use solar energy technology for your home or not.


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The risks of lasik surgery

The Risks Of Lasik Surgery

The 21st century is the golden age for surgical procedures, among them an increasingly popular method of corrective eye surgery known as LASIK. LASIK is an acronym for the surgery, which stands for Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. This procedure has become increasingly reliable, with unresolved complications reported in only 3 to 6 percent of patients. The risk of complications is still there, however, and can take several different forms.

The complications of LASIK ...



The 21st century is the golden age for surgical procedures, among them an increasingly popular method of corrective eye surgery known as LASIK. LASIK is an acronym for the surgery, which stands for Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. This procedure has become increasingly reliable, with unresolved complications reported in only 3 to 6 percent of patients. The risk of complications is still there, however, and can take several different forms.

The complications of LASIK surgery can include the following: Dry eyes, over or under correction, visual acuity fluctuation, halos or starbursts around light sources at night, light sensitivity, double vision, wrinkles in the flap, striation, decentered ablation, debris or growth under the flap, induced astigmatism. These complications are classified according to whether they arise in the preoperative procedures, the procedure itself, or after the operation either early on or later.

Each of the


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The risks of driving without insurance

The risks of driving without insurance

Although you may think that you are saving a lot of money by driving without car insurance, you are actually taking a very high risk which could see you paying out a lot more than the actual cost of car insurance for your vehicle and even face jail.

car insurance, auto insurance

There are several reasons why it is a very bad idea to drive without proper motor insurance. First and foremost, it is illegal; if you drive without insurance you are liable to an IN10 'Driving with no insurance' penalty.

It may seem like a good idea at the time to save yourself a considerable about money by failing to take out insurance cover for your vehicle. You may of course drive around for a long period without being involved in any kind of accident or being stopped by the police. However, it is certain that in the end, one of these two things will definitely happen.

The idea of car insurance is that you take out a policy, and hopefully you will never need it. Therefore, it may seem like a waste of money, but car insurance is there to protect you and others, should you be involved in a minor or serious accident.

So you may be lucky and drive around for let's say two years without ever having even a near miss. But then, you get involved in a minor bump. Now you will become liable for those legal penalties.

The IN10 can result in 6 to 8 penalty points and/or a ban from driving, and in addition a fine of up to 5,000. If you already have points on your licence, you could receive an automatic ban.
Once you have been convicted of an IN10, it can then be extremely difficult to find any insurance cover. In addition, even if you do, it will certainly come with a very high premium.
This is because insurance companies regard driving without insurance on a similar level to drunk driving. As the results of both of these offences, tend to cause injuries to other people and property. As such, this is considered highly inappropriate action that is heavily penalised by insurance companies.

Moreover, of course, if you have damaged another vehicle property, it is likely that you will be facing a civil suit for damages. If you cause an injury to another person, while driving without insurance, you could face serious criminal charges. For which you will have no insurance cover to pay for your legal costs. Don't forget, that addition to all of the above, you have no insurance for your own vehicle. Therefore, there will be nobody to pay for the repairs, or if it's written off, to replace it with a new car.

In addition, even if you do get away with driving an extended period, without incident, the insurance company will want to know why there is a gap in your insurance record. You could of course lie and say that you have not been driving. Again, this is a huge risk as if you make any false statements on your application. Insurance company will not pay out if you have an accident. If you are driving without insurance, it is more likely that you will actually have an accident, as you are liable to be permanently looking in the mirror to see if there is a police car behind you. The police do not legally have to catch you driving to prove that you are committing an offence. They merely have to prove that the vehicle itself has been used on a public road without proper insurance cover.

The Crown Prosecution Service, does not have to prove in any way that you were driving the vehicle. Only that the vehicle is or has been in use. There is no legal defense that allows you to claim they you were unaware that you need insurance, or that you posted of your payment, but never received the documents. Or any other claim to indicate that not having insurance was somehow an oversight is not permissible in law.

In the end, driving without insurance will definitely cost you more than, if you had taken out even the cheapest, and most basic third party cover, in the first place.


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The risks of acupuncture

The Risks of Acupuncture

If you are one of the traditional skeptics of the acupuncture therapy then you are definitely not alone. Because acupuncture has not been embraced wholly by any parts of Western society, members of America and others in the West remain skeptical at least, and hopeful at best, at the therapy of acupuncture that has been claimed by Chinese culture to be the miracle cure of all cures for all things that attack the body. Even though acupuncture may be great for those in chinese cultures where this process of medication and healing is still routinely sought after and practiced today, there are real and definite risks of acupuncture that must be spoken out about.

Acupuncture Risk #1: Accidental Shared Needles

The first thing that one needs to be on the lookout for if he or she insists on using acupuncture for his or her main bodily therapy is the fact that accidents are always happening and can even happen in the acupuncture field. Many people claim that some of the accidents in acupuncture therapy may arise when there are the accidental incidents of sharing of needles. These occasions may not, and probably do not, happen on purpose, though. However, the sharing of needles may take place when one session of acupuncture ends and other one begins right after. Not all of the needles may get thrown away for one reason or another and then they may be accidentally re-used on the next person. Of course, everyone should know that this is very dangerous and should never be done, but it is just one of the many risks associated with acupuncture therapy.

Acupuncture Risk #2: Pricking of the Body

Another risk that one needs to consider before delving into the practice of acupuncture is the fact that many people are able to be pricked so easily by the jabbing of needles. Even though practitioners of acupuncture usually take very good care not to injure anyone when performing the actual therapy, as mentioned earlier accidents can always happen for the first time. But I'm sure that the stabbing of individuals due to the sharpness of the acupuncture needles is not the first time the issue has come up. Needless to say, the pricking of the body by acupuncture needles should be just another concern on the acupuncture list.

Acupuncture Risk #3: Getting Treated

Even though getting treated by acupuncture should not be feared by any means, it is precisely who is treating you that should be feared. With all the identity thefts and deceitful things that now routinely go on in the United States, there is nothing from stopping someone from just acting like they know how to perform acupuncture therapy. Furthermore, even though somebody says that they are certified, how often does one truly scrutinize the accreditation documents that are shown to them?

All of these things are risks associated with having acupuncture therapy done, and all that needs to be done is a little due diligence to make sure everything is okay. Even though acupuncture is not a bad therapy in itself, there are always the bad eggs that'll spoil the whole batch!


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The risks in the u.s. stock markets nobody wants to discuss

The Risks In The U.S. Stock Markets Nobody Wants To Discuss

When it comes to investing, nothing kills good returns more than nationalism. And nationalism rules at large investment firms.

As of March, 2007, the major U.S. stock market index, the S&P 500 stands, at a notch above 12,000 stands below the 1,250 level it stood at seven and a half years ago. So over seven and a half years if your portfolio has tracked the S&P 500s index as most U.S. professional money managers aim to do, you have slightly less money, in absolute terms th...

achieve financial freedom, learn how to invest, advanced wealth planning techniques, get rich

When it comes to investing, nothing kills good returns more than nationalism. And nationalism rules at large investment firms.

As of March, 2007, the major U.S. stock market index, the S&P 500 stands, at a notch above 12,000 stands below the 1,250 level it stood at seven and a half years ago. So over seven and a half years if your portfolio has tracked the S&P 500s index as most U.S. professional money managers aim to do, you have slightly less money, in absolute terms than you had seven and a half years ago. In terms of purchasing power, with the rapid deflation of the dollar, your same amount of dollars buys much less today. Thats a whole lot of waiting for a whole lot of nothing.

And thats the good news.

The bad news is, as of 2007, the performance of the U.S. stock market is likely to become even worse for the rest of this decade. Why? For starters, check out the poor credit quality of thousands of American companies, many of which like the American consumer, seem to be overleveraged in debt.

Standard & Poors, a highly respected financial services firm that ranks the credit ratings of corporations all over the world, released a report on May 24, 2006 that declared a Downgrade Potential Across Credit Grades and Sectors. Standard and Poors covers corporations based in Asia/Pacific, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and the U.S.

This report stated that 85% of the corporations at risk for a potential downgrade in their credit rating (a rating that judges the corporations ongoing financial viability) were based in the U.S. or Europe, with the majority (61%) based in the U.S.

A breakdown by sector looks even worse. 80% of the corporations at risk within the automotive industry for a credit downgrade, 88% within the consumer product industry, and 88% of the retail/restaurant industry were all BASED IN THE U.S.

And dont think that these statistics are skewed because the U.S. constitutes the largest percentage of the global stock market capitalization. According to a February, 2006 Forbes Online report, 75% of all publicly traded companies are non- U.S. based corporations.

But back to my opening statement:

When it comes to investing, nothing kills good returns more than nationalism. And nationalism rules at large investment firms.

To illustrate this point, its not just the small cap stocks, but also the large cap stocks of foreign countries that dont trade on the stock exchanges of other countries. The overwhelming majority of clients at large investment firms dont hold some of the leading, most innovative, most well-managed and fastest growing companies simply because these stocks are not traded on their domestic stock markets. For example, Samsung, a Korean company that is a world leader in high-end electronic goods, and LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy) a french company that is a world leader in luxury brand goods including Pucci, Fendi, Tag Heuer, Sephora, Dom Perignon, Moet & Chandon, Givenchy, DKNY, and Hard Candy do not even trade on American stock exchanges. And its not just the American stock exchanges. These two companies dont trade on a lot of Asian stock exchanges either.

To buy them, you either have to open up a foreign trading account or purchase them through market makers that have been known to mark the price of foreign stocks up by as much as 15%. This means on a round trip buy and sell of the stock, youve lost 30% already. While mark-ups this high are generally rare, it does happen. And most times, because brokers dont do the research to discover what theyre trading at on the foreign exchanges, they pay these outrageous mark-ups without even realizing that they are doing so.

Sure, your financial consultant may have recommended that you start buying heavily into foreign markets, so you may say that Im wrong. But think about when this happened. After there was major instability in your domestic markets or before? Was it a pro-active or re-active decision? If it was a reactive decision, its still better than no reaction, but still this means that there is no forward-thinking about these types of decisions at all. Furthermore, how is your financial consultant gaining exposure to foreign markets for you? Through crappy investment vehicles like mutual funds that get hammered with every correction or through investments in strong individual stocks? In addition, many times financial consultants at investment firms ignore outstanding companies merely because their firm does not provide analyst reports of this company for them to read.

When the conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Lebanon reached a peak in 2006, I remembered reading an article that stated that money was beginning to flow back into the U.S. dollar for investors seeking a safe haven for their money. Articles like this amaze me due to the complete lack of understanding journalists have about certain economic conditions. Just as they keep telling investors that the U.S. markets are the safest stock markets in the world, theyll keep telling investors that the U.S. dollar is the safest currency to own but thats an entirely different article for another day.

Want to truly find the safest havens for your money?

Then learn how to invest yourself for you are more likely to be led astray as long as you continue to listen to financial journalists or allow someone else to manage your money.


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The risk of gestational diabetes in future pregnancies

The Risk of Gestational Diabetes in Future Pregnancies

If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes in pregnancy the chances are very high you
will also get the disease in future pregnancies. There have been cases where this hasnt
happened and there may be steps you can take to lessen your chances of getting it again.

Before you plan on becoming pregnant again, start to follow the diabetic diet you were
given during your previous pregnancy. It will provide a lot of the nutrients your body
needs and will start you off on the right track to eating right while pregnant. Maintaining
a healthy body weight is also crucial to prevent a reoccurrence of diabetes in pregnancy.
If you are overweight, even losing 10-15 pounds before becoming pregnant will help
your body better manage the insulin production and use.

A risk factor for getting gestational diabetes in the future is also based on how soon in
your pregnancy you were diagnosed. Some woman do not find out they have diabetes in
pregnancy until the final weeks before the birth while others may be diagnosed as early
as the first trimester. The earlier you are diagnosed the greater the chance that you will
also have the same problem again.

When planning your next pregnancy, book an appointment with your doctor. Let him or
her know your plans and a blood test will be ordered. Your doctor can order a blood test
that will show you average blood glucose levels for the previous few months. This will
make sure that before you become pregnant you blood glucose levels are at an optimal
level. And if they are not it is recommended that you do not become pregnant until they
are under control. Not having your blood sugars under control before you become
pregnant can lead to complications for the baby during the crucial first weeks of


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The risk factors for juvenile diabetes

The Risk Factors for Juvenile Diabetes

Although there is no known cause for juvenile diabetes there are risk factors that can
contribute to the likeliness a child will be diagnosed with the disease. As some forms of
type 1 diabetes are an autoimmune disease you can be at a higher risk if you have already
been diagnosed with a different autoimmune disease. There are also some conditions
surrounding a mothers pregnancy and labor than could contribute to the diagnosis of
juvenile diabetes.

If your child has been diagnosed with one of these autoimmune disease he or she is
considered at a higher risk for diabetes in childhood:

*     If your child has had one of these viruses: hepatitis, mumps, or CMV disease
*     Thyroid problems known as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (or Graves
*     Celiac disease

There has been some evidence that has shown that a child born to a mother over the age
of 35 could be at higher risk for developing type 1 diabetes. This is not conclusive and it
is not to say that a child born to a younger mother is not at risk as well. Some studies
indicate that a mother who had pre-eclampsia during pregnancy will give birth to a baby
with a higher risk of being diagnosed but this is not a proven fact.

Other risk factors include race - people from Northern Europe or areas of the
Mediterranean are considered at higher risk than other races. Environmental and
dietary factors can play a role too. If a child is under a lot of stress it is considered a
reason why he or she may go onto develop type 1 diabetes. Dietary risks factors include
high levels of dairy and nitrosamines (used as a preservative in some meats and cheeses).
Exposure to toxins is considered a risk factor too.


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The risk exposed in land development

The Risk Exposed In Land Development

Land development creates homes and places of business that allows us to survive and move forward. It is critical in the growth and progress of our society. Without those who are willing to assume the many risks of land development and investment, we doul not be where we are today.

Developing raw land is an extremely profitable business because it has to do with commercial real estate which is very valuable in and of itself, but also because there is a certain amount of ris...

tony seruga, yolanda seruga, yolanda bishop, commercial real estate, real estate, commercial real estate industry, land development, land investment, investor, investment, develop land

Land development creates homes and places of business that allows us to survive and move forward. It is critical in the growth and progress of our society. Without those who are willing to assume the many risks of land development and investment, we doul not be where we are today.

Developing raw land is an extremely profitable business because it has to do with commercial real estate which is very valuable in and of itself, but also because there is a certain amount of risk that comes along with land development. Not everyone is capable of looking at the facts, conjecturing about the future, and able to make a move to capitalize on a specific piece of property. There are simply too many variables that could go wrong- and will go wrong, if you do not know exactly what to look for. Experience is truly the only way to feel confident in such a huge investment. Even the best of land developers make mistakes and can lose out on a lot of money.

Risk is what makes land development so profitable. There are simply not a lot of people who would be able to handle that type of risk easily. So what type of risk would you be looking at as a land developer?

The first and probably most obvious risk is your skill level. Are you capable and have the necessary skills to develop and entire piece of property without much error? It takes a great amount of knowledge in math, science, finance, architecture and building to successfully develop a piece of property. The larger the property, the more difficult this can be. A land developer would not want to attempt something that they did not have the necessary skill set for.

Coinciding with this risk is the risk of finishing a project on time. If a project takes longer than it is originally proposed, you can believe that you will be faced with extra expenditures that will eat away from your profit. There might be rules, ordinances and deadlines that will cause further political and financial problems if a project is not finished on time. It takes excellent planning to see a project through completion on time. This is a huge risk that a land developer does everything in his or her power to make sure that the project is done well, and on time.

There is risk before the project even begins. This risk is finding a property that one could actually create profit from. Many times finding a property where there is guaranteed property is difficult to find. You never know, no matter how hard you try to look at surrounding land values and comparable sales, exactly the money you stand to make from any one project. There might be additional building costs or expensive problems that you may run into. To avoid this, purchase a property that is already below market value. Lets say an owner is extremely eager to sell and he knows that the property, as-is is valued at about $5,000,000. However, the owner really needs the cash and decides to sell the property at $4,000,000. That is an instant $1,000,000 in equity. The land developer knows that no matter what, he or she will have $1,000,000 in equity that will turn to profit if the property is sold. This strategy provides cushion for the unexpected happenings that are related to land development.

The next, and usually most intimidating risk for some, is finding the funding to actually develop a project. Land development is not cheap and the amount of money that goes into it is not for the faint at heart. finding someone who will loan that amount of money and being able to prove to that person that you can pay it back through the project, plus some can be very difficult. Whether it is an investor or a lender, finding this large amount of funding and actually using the money is a giant risk every developer must face.

There is also risk for all those involved during the project. Because the project is not making any money while in development, are you able to maintain a steady cash flow to survive while all of this is taking place? It is one thing to get the money upfront; however, it is another to maintain some sort of healthy cash flow for your team so that everyone can eat. This cash flow must be factored into the project before hand because many times the amount of time to profit can be one year, two years, or more, depending on the size of the project. Can your project sustain until the profit can be made and distributed?

Those who are capable of assuming this risk and makes plans to see a project from conception to completion are to admired. It is neither easy or simple to develop land and so many things can go wrong. It is in the nature of the inconsistent variables to face more problems than positive notions.

Too many investors and land developers, the greater the risk the more profit to be made from a project. But these people do it for more than just the profits. They are literally in charge of our progress and are creating our entire infrastructure. That is a very profitable and important position in which to be.


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The rising trend of do it yourself

The Rising Trend of Do-It-Yourself

This article summarizes the rising trend in America regarding people becoming "do-it-yourselfers" when it comes to improving or completing projects in their own homes. While contractors are still being hired, many people have decided to tackle their own minor repair tasks.

do-it-yourself, diy,d-i-y,home improvement, acoustic ceilings

Within the last few years, America has become a do-it-yourself type of country. From television to books to magazines, the people in the U.S. have decided to help themselves with the projects that need to be done at home instead of hiring someone to do it for them. The reasons for becoming a "do-it-yourselfer" are many and people have found that DIY is the answer to many issues. Taking on a project at home yourself can be very advantageous. Many people do DIY to save money by tackling household projects. Some "do-it yourselfers" are such because it helps them to be able to flip houses, a popular way to make money, without hiring a contractor. Others are "do-it-yourselfers" in order to make money as a handyman, doing projects for people who cant do it on their own. One more reason "diyers" do what they do is to improve the value of their own homes.

Some people are "do-it-yourselfers" because it saves them a great deal of money. Generally, contractors can be expensive when fixing something that you, for the price of materials, could accomplish. Paying someone materials plus labor tends to put a giant whole in ones check book. By doing small projects around your house as things need doing, two things can occur. One, you can put away the money you might spend needlessly on professionals and save it for something that you really need or want. The money can even go toward making upgrades to your house that you would not be able to afford otherwise. For example, a "do-it-yourselfer" can install a tile floor for the cost of having a professional install a vinyl floor. This would be an upgrade. Two, if you learn to do something on your own, the knowledge will most likely come in handy again if the problem arises at another time in the future.

Another reason "do-it-yourself" has become popular over time is because of the popular rise of people flipping houses. With the recently strong real estate market, many people have picked up the task of buying houses that need fixing up, fixing them, and selling them for a sizeable profit. A way that doing projects themselves comes in is that people can save money so that their profit margin is much larger. Using a contractor on only large jobs that are dangerous or require training to execute is a smart way to make money and in many cases, helps the flipper to take more pride in a project.

Sometimes, a persons reason for becoming a "do-it-yourselfer" is to make money being a handyman and helping someone else. Many times, people can not afford to hire a professional contractor and can not do the work themselves. In this case, they will call a handyman to be able to do what ever work is needed around the house. Many people make good money off of being the local neighborhood handyman. When work is done to a satisfactory degree, word of mouth will generally fill up the calendar of the handyman who has done the work.

One more advantage to becoming a person with "DIY" experience is the fact that tackling projects at home can definitely add value to your house and property. Texturing the rooms in your house or removing dated popcorn ceilings, for example can drastically change the look and value of your house, no matter how old it is.

Whatever the reason for the changing wave of "DIY", it has definitely become a trend. Stores like Home Depot, Lowes, and Ace Hardware have seen a marked rise in customers coming in to take on bigger and more difficult projects. Whatever the motivation, "DIY" is very advantageous in many ways.


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The rise of wedding planning programs making its way to possibly dominate the education sector

Wedding Planning Programs: Making Its Way to Possibly Dominate the Education Sector

Enrolling in a school for wedding planning courses must have been unimaginable a decade ago, much less a wedding planner to be a profession. The increasing number of weddings all around the world, which is proportional to the expenditure cost spending per marriage, changed this customary view. Around 2.1 million wedding ceremonies were held in United Sates alone in 2008, says the Association of Wedding Professionalsa site dealing with statistics that cater to wedding professionals.

This is why schools teaching wedding plannersincluding wedding and bridal consultantsbecame a potential venture for the wedding industry, which has stretched to various terrains. For instance, contemporary times marked the emergence of online wedding.

The Internet played a significant role in the education sector. Right now, online schooling is one of the types of wedding planning programs. The other types include home study and classroom, the latter being a promising enterprise. This is becoming available in some community colleges in other countries.

The difference between home study programs and online ones is the period of schooling. The latter offer no time constraints and sessions are online. It is worth noting that this education is not a degree. Anyone can still call himself a wedding planner without schooling.

Since planning a wedding can be stressful, a guide is provided to enhance skills in facilitation, communication, and organization. Knowledge on business administration and accounting is also vital. Other good schools include courses on advertising and marketing so that students will obtain the skill in filtering vendors, photographers, caterers, and so on. These trainings will be very useful for budding professionals.

The cost of tuition and miscellaneous fee vary from one school to another. Worth noting is that expensive schools do not necessarily guarantee a good education and ensure success in the field. The benefits however include building a network. This is possible for instance, when a student becomes intern in the field. The student gains experience and knowledge from established wedding professionals.

The two reputable wedding industry associations are the Association of Bridal Consultants and the National Association of Wedding Professionals. The other organizations are American Association of Wedding Planners, Bridal Marketing Association, and Wedding Careers Institutes. These organizations provide relevant information on the wedding industry including databases on wedding gowns and manufacturers, statistics, and market research. Meanwhile, the Better Business Bureau contains schools that received considerably several complaints or compliments.

The Wedding Planner School (WPS) is the leading independent school in Europes wedding planning industry. It offers the program in home study mechanism in three different levelsbeginners, intermediate, and advanced courses in Wedding and Events Management. The Wedding Planning diploma focuses on gaining clients and customer care. The Events Management course introduces possible areas on the field that one can venture on.

The school may provide basic knowledge on event organizing and communication---that includes administrative, organizational, and accounting skillsbut a true professional wedding planner enriches his knowledge by continuous reading of available materials to keep him abreast of the latest wedding trends, styles, and colors.


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The rise of the dollar stores

The Rise Of The Dollar Stores

Dollar stores are now saturating the American landscape like never before. In the face of the demise of Woolworth's and other novelty stores, these stores are filling an important niche in the American retail industry. The following account details the experiences of stores and shoppers in New Jersey.

dollar stores, one dollar, retail, novelty stores, discount retailers, shopping, consumer trends

Sheryl Huenster is a self proclaimed dollar store junkie. The Clifton mother of four makes the trek to various fixed price stores within a ten mile radius of her white clapboard home two or three times per week.

Im an addict. I admit it. I cant go more than a week without visiting the stores, unless Im on vacation. You better believe that when I go to the Jersey Shore I know where the all the stores are in the Toms River area, she laughed.

Years after the close of Woolworths and other Five and Dime stores, dollar stores are filling the void by opening up around the country, but they seem almost ubiquitous to New Jersey. Many of the stores are operated by immigrants who have a knack for buying low priced goods overseas and having them shipped to the U.S. to sell for a dollar a piece. Like Woolworths, the dollar stores carry sundry items such as hair brushes, small picture frames, toothpaste, games, toys, etc., as well as harder to find items that the more upscale stores dont carry.

Ice cube


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The rise of the audio book store

The Rise Of The Audio Book Store

Audio books have long been a popular source of entertainment for people with vision problems and young children. The rise of in car tape players,cds, mp3s and ipods has meant an increase in the popularity and use of audio books. While most people will listen to music in their cars and on the move an increasing number are using ipods, mp3s and cd players to listen to audio books and consequently the number of audio book stores is beginning to increase.

Put simply an audio b...



Audio books have long been a popular source of entertainment for people with vision problems and young children. The rise of in car tape players,cds, mp3s and ipods has meant an increase in the popularity and use of audio books. While most people will listen to music in their cars and on the move an increasing number are using ipods, mp3s and cd players to listen to audio books and consequently the number of audio book stores is beginning to increase.

Put simply an audio book is the recording of the contents of a book that have been read aloud. Generally speaking audio books meant books that had been recorded on audio tape but with the rise of digital equipment audio books are now available on cd or in other digital formats. Since 2006 an increasing number of audio books are now available in downloadable form and are therefore instantly available from audio book stores. Recent estimates of the audio book business have been put at somewhere in the region of two billion dollars.

Audio books come in a number of different forms. Some of them are abridged or shortened forms of the original book and some are unabridged, presenting the original text in its entirety. Some books are produced as dramatized audio books with different voices and often a musical accompaniment. For many years books and longer stories have been serialized, particularly on BBC radio stations. Occasionally such series use the voice of well known actors. Just as there are book shows and book awards with money and prizes for award winners, so there are audio awards with prizes for the best performance/reading of different genres.

The increasing popularity of the audio book means that there are now an increasing number of titles that can be downloaded from online audio book stores. Audio books are a boon to those with sight problems or who, for one reason or another are unable to read the printed version for themselves. But more and more people are also discovering the great advantages of downloading from an audio book store and immediately being able to listen to one of the thousands of titles now available.

There are now an increasing number of books available in online audio book stores. Some websites are devoted entirely to selling audio books and sometimes there is an option to download straight away rather than wait for delivery. With different formats and an increase in the choice available it seems fair to say that the growth of audio book stores will continue and their products will continue bringing people pleasure for some considerable time to come.


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The rise of social conscience in art inspired fashion

The Rise of Social Conscience in Art Inspired Fashion

Art can be a means of reconstructing experiences, communicating emotions or echoing the sentiments of individuals or the masses. From the ancient to the modern, artistic works have run the table from simple observations on life to biting social commentary.

reform apparel, fashion, fashion with art work, Politics of Fashion, coveralls and work boots construction workers and mechanics clothes

Art can be a means of reconstructing experiences, communicating emotions or echoing the sentiments of individuals or the masses. From the ancient to the modern, artistic works have run the table from simple observations on life to biting social commentary. The growing segment of contemporary artists who bravely showcase their displeasure with the current state of affairs using creation as an inspiration for positive social change are turning up in the strangest of places, even the world of fashion.

While the fashion industry is often viewed as an institution of pretentiousness, demand is still the driving force behind the successes and failures of it's resident elite. Just as consumability regularly forces the hand of design, or rather post runway re-design, growing discontentment and the desire to express the need for a higher social conscience is driving the union between revolutionary art and clothing.

The fashion world is not unlike the music industry, where most are willingly force fed the flav


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The rise of google

The Rise Of Google

First, a look at how it works. Search engines use automated software programs that scrutinize the Web and develop their informational databases. Statistics composed from each web page are then added to the search engine index. After you enter a question into a search engine site, your input is compared to the search engine's index of all the web pages it has analyzed. The best links are then returned to you as hits, ranked in order with the best results listed first. This is ...

Google, search engine, SEO, Yahoo.com, YouTube, business from home, running start. Start business

First, a look at how it works. Search engines use automated software programs that scrutinize the Web and develop their informational databases. Statistics composed from each web page are then added to the search engine index. After you enter a question into a search engine site, your input is compared to the search engine's index of all the web pages it has analyzed. The best links are then returned to you as hits, ranked in order with the best results listed first. This is based upon how relevant they are to your query, and which sites rank highest by visits and keyword saturation. Most search engines will look for words and simple phrases. The more common a word is on a page, compared with its rate of recurrence in the general language, the more likely that page will be to appear among the search results, and at what position.

Search engines are also making significant strides in an effort to comprehend what is intended by the query words. For instance, a good number of search engines now offer elective spelling adjustment. If you type in a word, and it is possibly misspelled, the engine will actually ask you if you meant to spell it that way and offer alternatives. Some are even able to search not simply for the words or phrases actually entered, but they also search for different forms of the words (home, house, residence, domicile, etc.)

This brings us to Google, the most often/easily used search engine available today. There are many very significant reasons for its popularity, and it has definitely earned its place as leader of the pack. It utilizes a simple interface, excellent search options, and incredible visual tools to provide us with everything we need for working, learning, or simply playing games on the Internet.

Google also provides quite a few products that help individuals and businesses, such as AdSense, YouTube, GoogleEarth, and many more desktop and web search utilities.

One important key to why they do so well is because Google assesses the importance of every web page using a variety of techniques, together with its patented PageRank algorithm which analyzes those sites that have been "voted" the best sources of information by other pages across the Web. This method actually improves itself, as the Web expands, as each new site is another aspect of information and another vote to be counted. It depends on the millions of people posting and visiting links on websites to help establish which sites offer the most valuable content.

The Google phenomenon originated when two young men, who had nothing in common, except a desire to make finding information on the Internet simpler, started the Google Empire. The idea was born in 1995, and its earliest name was Backrub, because this brand new search engine utilized the back links available for finding web sites. After being turned away by a few of the major players in the industry, the guys decided to make a go of it on their own. With a little help from a friend, Google opened its first door, a garage door, in 1998. By 1999, Google.com was providing answers to over 10,000 search questions daily. The company diversified and expanded greatly as the new millennium started. The hiring of quite a few talented staff members, (who had left stable jobs with well-established internet companies like Yahoo) to join the Google team created a need for actual office space and so the Googleplex became the companys headquarters in 2003. Today, the corporation has offices around the world.

There are a vast number of alternative search engines, and many of them have been around a lot longer. In fact, there are quite a few that are better suited for particular businesses due to the fact that they are geared more toward specific needs that they focus all of their efforts upon. Any type of profession or hobby that you can name, each has a niche on the Internet. Harnessing the resources available through Search Engine Optimization helps to encourage the growth and expansion of businesses that use the web.


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