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الخميس، 27 مايو 2010

Increasing your golf swing clubhead speed isn t everything

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Increasing Your Golf Swing Clubhead Speed Isnt Everything

I want to increase my golf swing clubhead speed! I hear this one all the time from the members of my golf-trainer.com site and golfers sending me emails. I want to be a straight shooter (pardon the pun) right now. Increasing your golf swing clubhead speed is not everything!

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I want to increase my golf swing clubhead speed! I hear this one all the time from the members of my golf-trainer.com site and golfers sending me emails. I want to be a straight shooter (pardon the pun) right now. Increasing your golf swing clubhead speed is not everything!

You heard that correctly.

You can swing at 140 mph and it wont mean anything unless your golf swing sequence and moment of impact is solid. There are lots of 300 yards in the woods! I have to chuckle when I see the Speed Stik commercials with Vijay.

Swinging that thing harder and harder isnt going to make your ball go straightand if Im correct, the goal is to get it in the fairway, right?

The point Im trying to get at is a more powerful, controlled, sequenced swing that does produce a higher clubhead speed, yet in control swing. One that has a consistent swing path and solidness of hit on the clubface.

So how do you achieve this?

The only way is to improve your golf-specific strength and flexibility!

If youve re


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