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الخميس، 27 مايو 2010

Increase your sales with an incredible offer

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Increase Your Sales With an Incredible Offer

What are you selling? Coaching? Consulting? Professional services? A product? Information? To start with, you need to sell your product or service in terms of benefits to your clients and not features.

small business, marketing

What are you selling?

Coaching? Consulting? Professional services? A product? Information?

To start with, you need to sell your product or service in terms of benefits to your clients and not features.

Clients want to know what your product or service will do for them, not necessarily all the credentials you have or the process you use.

But once you've got a great list of customer-focused benefits to use as copy points in your marketing messages, what else can you do to increase the odds your prospects will buy?

You can make an incredible offer.

What's an incredible offer? It's a way of packaging your products or services so your prospects simply can't resist. You want their reaction to be, "This is such a great deal, I'd be a fool to NOT buy!"

So how do you construct an incredible offer?

You start with your primary product or service, and then you add value, in terms of bonuses, to make it more attractive. The idea is to build up the value with products or


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