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الخميس، 27 مايو 2010

Increase your reading speed by 4x in a few days

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Increase Your Reading Speed By 4x In A Few Days

If you think only the smart ones can read faster, then guess again. Anyone can improve their reading speed without sacrificing their comprehension skills. Being able to read faster means that you have more information at your disposal. Having this ability will give you a decided edge at any endeavor especially in school, at work, or even during leisure.

Some people have developed their reading skills to the point that they can read an entire book in one sitting. For ordi...

speed reading,read speed

If you think only the smart ones can read faster, then guess again. Anyone can improve their reading speed without sacrificing their comprehension skills. Being able to read faster means that you have more information at your disposal. Having this ability will give you a decided edge at any endeavor especially in school, at work, or even during leisure.

Some people have developed their reading skills to the point that they can read an entire book in one sitting. For ordinary people that still have to read aloud or point at what they are reading to keep track of where they are, this can prove to be quite frustrating. However, there is a secret to unlock your reading skills so that they can dramatically increase exponentially.

The secret is increasing the periphery of your vision and exercising your eye muscles.

When you read, your eye leaps from one position on the page to another. This is called a saccade. Some people can only read one word per saccade. This forces them to perform numerous saccades pe


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