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الخميس، 27 مايو 2010

Increase web site visitor return rates

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Increase Web Site Visitor Return Rates

Every visitor to your web site is a precious potential client. It was hard work to get that site visitor there in the first place, so you should make every effort to encourage the potential client back.

repeat business

Every visitor to your web site is a precious potential client. It was hard work to get that site visitor there in the first place, so you should make every effort to encourage the potential client back.

The bottom line is that if the visitor found what they were looking for quickly and easily, they are much more likely to come back to your site. Here are six additional techniques you can use to help bring visitors back to your site. They are:

1. Email Newsletters

2. Bookmark Buttons

3. Periodic Updates

4. Games

5. Contests

6. Message Boards

A newsletter is perhaps the best tool for bringing people back to your web site. To have a newsletter all you need is a simple form on your web site to collect user's email addresses and an email client. That's it! It you want to go even more low tech, just have a bit of text that says, "Email us at to Join our Newsletter."

Once you have a few people to send a newsletter too, try to think of ways that you could provide useful information to potential


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