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الجمعة، 26 فبراير 2010

The right breeder

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The Right Breeder

Dogs are considered as mans best friend. Deciding to own one whether it is big or small involves a lot of responsibility. It is not just about feeding it but includes other chores such as grooming, watching its health and diet, cleaning up after it and most importantly, giving it some tender loving care. There are many places one can get a dog such as a kennel or the pet store but if one wants to get a pure bred animal, one must seek a reputable breeder to get the best resul...

pets, dogs, cats

Dogs are considered as mans best friend. Deciding to own one whether it is big or small involves a lot of responsibility. It is not just about feeding it but includes other chores such as grooming, watching its health and diet, cleaning up after it and most importantly, giving it some tender loving care. There are many places one can get a dog such as a kennel or the pet store but if one wants to get a pure bred animal, one must seek a reputable breeder to get the best results.

Finding the right breeder for the dog depends on the breed that one selects. Professional breeders do not breed frequently and will only do so when a pair is found to be healthy and temperament that will insure the birth of also healthy offspring. Breeders will also breed only when a sufficient number of homes have been evaluated and deemed appropriate.

Given that there is no standard as to what a standard breeder is, one should do research by asking people and interviewing as many breeders as possible before making a decision.


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