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الجمعة، 26 فبراير 2010

The ride of your life who s driving

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The ride of your life: who's driving?

Your life will not change until and unless you assume responsibility for it. Responsibility, or your ability to respond, is not a way of accepting blame as most people think, but rather a way of assuming your ability to respond to any situation and find an empowering meaning in whatever happens to you.

responsibility,take responsibility,take charge,be in control

One of the biggest challenges that most people face in the exiting times we live in, is the feeling that their lives are just spiralling out of control. They feel like the events and circumstances of their lives have lead them along a torturous route and that they have no control over all the misfortunes and wrong doings that brought them to this moment in time.

The truth is that your life will not change until and unless you assume full responsibility for it. Responsibility, or your ability to respond, is not a way of accepting some form of blame as most people think, but rather a way of accepting your ability to respond to any situation. It is absolutely critical to realize and accept that it is never the actual events of your life but only your responses to these events that will shape and create your life. You are never the creature of circumstances and you have the ultimate ability to consciously decide what things mean and how to respond to it. You are the only one that can and the only one that wi


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