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الخميس، 25 فبراير 2010

The reasons i love christmas

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The Reasons I Love Christmas

Most everyone I know loves Christmas. There is something about the magic and wonder of the season that is unmatched during the rest of the year. There are so many reasons that I love Christmas I can hardly know where to begin.

I guess the biggest reason I love Christmas is because for me, it has always meant the gathering of family and friends. It is only during the Christmas season that we gather from a far and enjoy days filled with laughter, good conversation, good meal...


Most everyone I know loves Christmas. There is something about the magic and wonder of the season that is unmatched during the rest of the year. There are so many reasons that I love Christmas I can hardly know where to begin.

I guess the biggest reason I love Christmas is because for me, it has always meant the gathering of family and friends. It is only during the Christmas season that we gather from a far and enjoy days filled with laughter, good conversation, good meals and tons of games. My four siblings and I have naturally spread out into our adulthood and usually it is only at Christmas that we get to reunite with each other and with our parents. You could take everything else about Christmas away from me and I would still love it just for this reason.

With my family and close friends around me, I love the sheer celebration and party that the Christmas season is. I love going from Christmas party to Christmas party and celebrating


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