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الخميس، 25 فبراير 2010

The real value of online marketing tools those freebies

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The Real Value of Online marketing tools & Those Freebies

The other day I happened upon a site where I was invited to subscribe to the webmaster's ezine. The webmaster purported to say that the newsletter had a value of $399 but I I would get it for free - who says the newsletter is worth $399 and what about all these other freebies...are they worth a cent

free ebooks, free newslettes, internet marketing,

The other day I happened upon a site where I was invited to subscribe to the webmaster's ezine. All good and well and of course good marketing to have a subscribe page and way of capturing visitors emails on your site. But the webmaster purported to say that the newsletter had a value of $399 but I would be one of the lucky ones and get it for free.

Well I produce a newsletter and I think it is fairly good quality so what value would I put on that...certainly not $399, and I would have no idea what to value it at, after all only the subscriber can properly put a perceived value on the ezine they receive. So how can this other ezine have a value of $399?

And what about all these ebooks which apparently have a resale value of $47, or $97 or more. Who are you going to get to buy these ebooks when everywhere you look the same ebooks are being given out for free...you know the ones - 'Million Dollar Emails', 'Scientific Advertising', 'Magic Letters' and so on....

Many websites and sales pages will attempt t


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