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الأحد، 12 أبريل 2009

Hair removal solutions laser hair removal and others

Hair Removal Solutions: Laser hair removal And Others

Fear no longer the ignominy of unwanted body hair. If you have been willing to walk should somebody show you the way, you have come to the right place for hair removal solutions. Here we present some of the popular hair removal solutions like laser hair removal among others which can offer you the flight of fantasy that you have been seeking for so long to become truly beautiful.

Laser hair removal: The latest technology in the long list of hair removal solutions, laser ha...

body hair removal solution, hair removal treatment, laser hair removal, hair removal by laser

Fear no longer the ignominy of unwanted body hair. If you have been willing to walk should somebody show you the way, you have come to the right place for hair removal solutions. Here we present some of the popular hair removal solutions like laser hair removal among others which can offer you the flight of fantasy that you have been seeking for so long to become truly beautiful.

Laser hair removal: The latest technology in the long list of hair removal solutions, laser hair removal offers a easy to use, extremely effective method to get rid of unwanted body hair and is long lasting in its effect. Men and Women alike have benefited from this superb technology wh


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Hair removal from razor to laser

Hair Removal From Razor To Laser

Looking to remove some of those unsightly hairs form certain regions of your body? There are several options, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

Hair removal used to be the sole territory of women (North American women, at that!) but such is the case no longer. Men are getting hair removed in ever greater numbers, and for most of the population that is a good thing. The question for both men and women who wan to have hair removed is; What treatment should I go f...

hair removal, laser hair removal, bikini wax, waxing, epilator

Looking to remove some of those unsightly hairs form certain regions of your body? There are several options, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

Hair removal used to be the sole territory of women (North American women, at that!) but such is the case no longer. Men are getting hair removed in ever greater numbers, and for most of the population that is a good thing. The question for both men and women who wan to have hair removed is; What treatment should I go for? There are a few options, including the traditional razor, waxing, and a relatively new technique, laser hair removal.

The razor, of course, is tried, true, convenient, and cheap. However, if you remove that hair with a razor, be prepared for a lot of repeats. This can cause skin irritation and roughness. Also, using a razor on some of body parts is virtually impossible- men who want to shave their backs are going to be pretty much out of luck.

One alternative to the razor is waxing. Waxing is more expensive than using a razor, but


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Hair removal depilacion laser

Hair Removal, Depilacion Laser

The Laser Hair Removal, has their benefits but, it could have bad results, causing injuries to the skin, know more about this technique and get safe from using a bad experience.

La depilacion laser, tiene sus beneficios, pero puede causar malos resultados, quemando la piel o reacciones secundarias, conozca mas sobre este procedimiento y olvide el dolor.

laser hair removal, depilacion laser, depilacion definitiva, luz pulsada

The Laser Hair Removal, was a great invention, giving an easy way to permanent remove the unwanted hair, but after some years of using it there are a lot of known problems of using it.

Is a safe procedure if a qualified personal make the treatment... but lately a lot of clinics and hair removal business are buying just the machines without understand and well use of them, because they think first as a business before as a service...

Many of these business get very low profile personnel, making this very dangerous for the clients, a lot of clients have been burned and skin damaged and in some cases without return to their normal state.

A new technology has emerged to prevent this kind of bad procedures and burns in the skin, its called ELOS (IPL+RF) Intense Pulse Light and Radiofrequency, with this technique now, the light is not so high and dangerous, is using a Xenon lamp, with the radiofrequency that makes that the hair follicle receives better the light and then burn just it, not the skin or any other part of the body, its safer and it can work in any color of skin and hair including white hair.

Some business are now emerging with this new technology, and getting great results, so if you are considering doing a hair removal, forget laser and use IPL.

Get more info at

Spanish Version - Version en Espaol (se omiten acentos)

La depilacion laser, ah sido una gran invencion, ayudando
a muchas personas a realizarse una depilacin permanente olvidandose de los molestos problemas que causa el rasurarse continuamente.

Es un procedimiento seguro cuando es aplicado por personal capacitado y que conoce el procedimiento, ltimamente han habido muchos casos donde los clientes son quemados o daan su piel, e incluso en algunos casos sin reversion a el problema generado.

Muchos de estos negocios han adquirido sus maquinas sin saberlas utilizar por completo, y contratan a personal no calificado y de bajo nivel para operarlas, creando asi grandes riesgos para la salud, y la generacion de inminentes quemaduras.

Existe una nueva tecnologa que ayuda a evitar las quemaduras y daos en la piel, ya que su luz es a base de luz xenon, que es mas benigna con la piel, el tratamiento es llamado ELOS (IPL+RF), Luz Pulsada Intensa y Radiofrecuencia combinadas en un mismo pulso para eliminar el vello de cualquier tipo de piel, y color de pelo inclusive las canas, con mucho menos dolor que la depilacion laser.

Este procedimiento se aplica en algunas clinicas de depilacion, y en centros de estetica, busque el mas cercano y olvidese de la depilacion laser, que solo causa molestias.

La depilacion laser es obsoleta ahora utilice la luz pulsada y disfrute de su nueva piel!

Obtenga mas informacion en


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Hair removal by waxing

Hair Removal By Waxing

Outlining the processes involved when using the waxing technique for hair removal.

hair removal, waxing, permanent

The dictionary defines waxing as: 'a temporary method of hair removal which removes the hair at the root. New hairs do not grow back in the waxed area for three to eight weeks. Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, bikini area, legs, arms, back, abdomen and feet'. But don't be fooled into thinking that waxing is for women only. Today's fashion trends have men waxing their bodies for cosmetic reasons, and many athletes such as bodybuilders and swimmers have been waxing for years.

Most waxes are comprised of some proportional mixture of paraffin or beeswax, natural oils or fats, and a specially designed resin to help the wax adhere to the skin. Some brands of wax add Vitamin E or other supplements. If you think that you might want to try waxing, the first step, whether you are a male or female, is to decide if you want to use the 'hot' or 'cold' wax technique.

The hot wax method involves heating the wax to a


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Hair removal all about waxing

Hair Removal- All About Waxing

Some of us have problem of hair loss, while a majority wants to get rid of hair from different places on the body.



Some of us have problem of hair loss, while a majority wants to get rid of hair from different places on the body. It may the bikini are, or the thin hair line over the upper lip, or hair on the chest and back of men, or hair on legs, and armpits. Everybody wants to know about the method that will help remove hair for a long time without undergoing much trouble. Let us take a brief look at the methods of hair removal.

Waxing- One of the oldest and most common methods for hair removal is waxing. Waxing can be done both with cold wax and hot wax and now with waxing kits available in the market, you can wax yourself at home. In hot waxing, hot wax is spread on the skin, covered with a strip of cloth, allowed to dry and pulled off in the opposite direction of hair growth. This pulls away most of the hair from the hair shaft. This method may be painful and you must take care of the temperature of hot wax, and skin irritation after waxing. Wa


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Hair removal all about depilatories

Hair Removal- All About Depilatories

One of the easiest methods of hair removal is application of a cream or gel and wiping it off after some time to see the skin free of all unwanted hair.



One of the easiest methods of hair removal is application of a cream or gel and wiping it off after some time to see the skin free of all unwanted hair. Depilatories are chemical based formulations that dissolve the keratin in the hair by breaking the disulfide bond. The hair weakens from the surface and can be easily wiped clean.

Depilatories are chemical based, so you will be looking for any allergic reactions. Read the instructions carefully before using the product and test it. Put a small spot and wash it off after the given time. Wait for any reaction on that spot for a day and if you see no reaction on your skin, use it. Again be careful that depilatories are formulated in different strengths. You must not use high strength products on your face without reading the instructions clearly. One advantage of depilatories is that it can remove very coarse hair without much trouble. But since the hair is removed from the skin surface an


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Hair oil a need for anyone and everyone

Hair Oil - A Need For Anyone And Everyone

Oiling ones hair is one of the most important things, if we want to take care of our hair. It is very necessary that hair is given proper treatment which would mean a massage with some of the most beneficial oils.

Having the right kind of oil for your hair is very important and so is oiling your hair. Many of us have a hectic schedule due to which, oiling and washing our hair holds the last priority. If you want healthy hair and one which lasts longer - oiling is the best...

Home remedies

Natural Hair Oil care, hair care, hair oilwith tea, fights cancer and heart disease

Oiling ones hair is one of the most important things, if we want to take care of our hair. It is very necessary that hair is given proper treatment which would mean a massage with some of the most beneficial oils.

Having the right kind of oil for your hair is very important and so is oiling your hair. Many of us have a hectic schedule due to which, oiling and washing our hair holds the last priority. If you want healthy hair and one which lasts longer - oiling is the best remedy.

There are so many oils in the market which tells you tales about the benefits it provides. Before jumping in the bandwagon with others, check it from which company you are buying the oil. A trusted and known company is very important as there are many duplicates in the market.

Having good hair oil is not enough eating the right kind of food also helps. Harmful foods such as canned and processed food which do not protect your hair instead damage it, should not be eaten. Fresh coconut is very good for your hair.

For beautifu


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Hair loss

Hair Loss

When you drive at night do you have to turn your head down to low beam?

Yes, there are many such thoughtless jokes about baldness, in both males and females. However, loss of head hair really is a problem, which causes a great deal of worry and unhappiness, to those afflicted.

bald, hair loss, alopecia, baldy, Resveratrol, propecia, 5-alfa inhibitor, DHT, Rogaine, Finasteride

To all bald-headed men.

When you drive at night do you have to turn your head down to low beam?

Yes, there are many such thoughtless jokes about baldness, in both males and females. However, loss of head hair really is a problem, which causes a great deal of worry and unhappiness, to those afflicted.

Hopefully, there may be some help and answers for you, within this web site. It is often easier to reduce the ageing and thinning of healthy hair, than to regrow into follicles that are already dormant.

Reversing and preventing further hair loss may also be possible. Some products and techniques could be:

Topical ketokonazole, an anti-fungal/5-alfa inhibitor of reductase.
Finasteride and/or minoxidel, known in the United States as propecia and Rogaine, or Rogeine, respectively.
Placebos have average results, but not usually as high as other specific products
Hair cloning, or multiplication, using self replenishing follicle stem cells.
Hair transplants have been used for many years.
To lower andro


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Hair loss treatments for men

Hair Loss Treatments for men

Hair Loss treatment for balding men helps in hair loss treatments natural. Hair Loss Solutions & remedy helps in balding treatment

Stop Hair Loss, Thinning hair, Balding Treatment

Hair Loss In Men

With hair loss in men, hair at the temples recedes and the crown can also begin to thin.

Eventually a horse shoe pattern around the sides of the head appears.

The main signs of hair loss in men:

1. Receding hairline

2. Moderate to extensive hair loss, particularly on the crown of the head.

About ninety-five percent of hair loss in men is attributable to androgenic alopecia also know as male pattern baldness.

Some believe this condition includes three factors:

1) age 2) heredity 3) the male hormone testosterone

As hair loss in men progresses, the hair becomes finer, does not grow so long and the bald spot at the crown widens.

Finally, the thinning crown and the receding points may meet forming a horseshoe pattern with hair around the sides of the head.

Hair loss in men can begin as early as 20 although for the majority of men, hair loss is more noticeable from the age of 35 to 40.

DHT (Di-hydro-testosterone) is


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Hair loss treatment do not fret little fella there s hope

Hair Loss Treatment: Do Not Fret Little Fella, There's Hope!

So you are getting to the middle age when your body starts falling apart, or off as the case may be. Because of this you aren't as good at sports as you used to be, the opposite sex doesn't find you nearly as attractive as you used to be, and your family ask you if you are ok whenever they look at you because they think that you look ill. Well there's hope lads, not for the sports, but at least for the hair! That's right, there is good hair loss treatment options that will ha...

hair loss treatment

So you are getting to the middle age when your body starts falling apart, or off as the case may be. Because of this you aren't as good at sports as you used to be, the opposite sex doesn't find you nearly as attractive as you used to be, and your family ask you if you are ok whenever they look at you because they think that you look ill. Well there's hope lads, not for the sports, but at least for the hair! That's right, there is good hair loss treatment options that will halt hair loss right in its tracks so that you can at least look like you are still the man (or at least not sick).

So why do you lose your hair in the first place? Well a great question with a complicated answer. Maybe I can dumb it down for you though. The first thing is that there is not a lot that can do on your own to change your genes (though there areRecommended For You

Hair loss stress triggers

Hair Loss: Stress Triggers

It is not surprising that one of the major factors leading to hair loss stems from stress. Extreme stress can affect several aspects of ones life and health, including causing hair If you suspect that stress is triggering your hair loss, then you will have to make changes in your lifestyle; otherwise you may well end up with bald patches on your head.

Stress can be triggered externally or internally. External situations come from the environment. Internal factors are link...

hair loss and stress

It is not surprising that one of the major factors leading to hair loss stems from stress. Extreme stress can affect several aspects of ones life and health, including causing hair If you suspect that stress is triggering your hair loss, then you will have to make changes in your lifestyle; otherwise you may well end up with bald patches on your head.

Stress can be triggered externally or internally. External situations come from the environment. Internal factors are linked to emotional responses such as depression, grief or resistance to change. If this stress is continuous and is not solved, it will begin to affect the way in which the body reacts.

Hair loss will often result as a reaction to the way in which stress impacts the balance in your body. When stress begins to take place in your body, the hormonal balance in your body is upset. There may be an excess production of hormones which may then go into the scalp area and causing your hair to fall out. Usually, this hair loss will be noticeable aft


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Hair loss solutions

Hair Loss Solutions

Hair Loss Solutions

A common problem

As it happens, we do not even notice when out hair starts to fall out and recede. Surprisingly, we lose and average of fifty to one hundred hairs daily. That is a lot but with recent scientific studies they have found many new hair loss solutions. There are three main ways to save your hair and as you read this article you will better understand everything you need to know about hair loss and how to prevent it.

hair loss solutions,solutions to hair loss

A common problem

As it happens, we do not even notice when out hair starts to fall out and recede. Surprisingly, we lose and average of fifty to one hundred hairs daily. That is a lot but with recent scientific studies they have found many new hair loss solutions. There are three main ways to save your hair and as you read this article you will better understand everything you need to know about hair loss and how to prevent it.

What is Hair Loss?

What is hair loss? Well this is the point in time when your hair starts to shed. This will gradually start to daily. You lose hair but it is not noticeable at first unless you have long hair. The main reason that scientist think hair loss occurs is because your scalp needs to absorb more nutrients and some of your hair will need to move out of the way for it to do that. The other reason would be because your hair may start to die out, new hair is made to come in and replace it.

Preventing H


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Hair loss shampoo a cheaper solution to your dilemma

Hair Loss Shampoo: A Cheaper Solution to Your Dilemma

Hair Loss Shampoo: A Cheaper Solution to Your Dilemma

bad haircut,researching things,hair transplantation method.

Most people will think that hair loss is closely associated with old age. Yes, it may be but then it may not also. Confusing? Nah. Some people in a very young age experience a tremendous hair loss. Medical research though asserts that hair fall is quite normal because an average hair fall of up to 200 hair strands in a day is acceptable. But if there is so much than that, it now gives you a reason to panic and seek the help of the experts.

Dealing with hair loss is not at all easy. It is not simply the same with dealing with a bad haircut. A bad haircut can be remedied. You can likewise only wait for a while before it gets back to its normal growth. But a hair loss is entirely different. Having too much visible hair loss is a thing to hate. Who wants to go out almost as bald-looking as a bird can be? Who would want to look old in the first place? Hair loss confronts both men and women regardless of their ages. But then again, it would be


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Hair loss scalp disorder seborrheic dermatitis

Hair Loss Scalp Disorder: Seborrheic Dermatitis

There can be several disorders or diseases that result in hair loss. Hair loss is an indication that there can be a problem that is happening inside your body. One disorder that is related to the changes on the scalp is known as seborrheic dermatitis. This is a common inherited disorder and should be treated continuously and as soon as possible.

Seborrheic dermatitis is also often known as dandruff, eczema or cradle cap. When you have seborrheic dermatitis, you experience ...

Seborrheic Dermatitis, hair loss

There can be several disorders or diseases that result in hair loss. Hair loss is an indication that there can be a problem that is happening inside your body. One disorder that is related to the changes on the scalp is known as seborrheic dermatitis. This is a common inherited disorder and should be treated continuously and as soon as possible.

Seborrheic dermatitis is also often known as dandruff, eczema or cradle cap. When you have seborrheic dermatitis, you experience a change in the skin texture on your scalp. This will include either greasy or oily areas over the scalp or white flakes that are coming from your scalp. You are also likely to experience itching and redness in the scalp area, and also hair loss.

If you notice any of the above mentioned symptoms, then you may be having seborrheic dermatitis. For treatment, you can use a medicated shampoo for direct application on your scalp. Depending on the shampoo, it will contain a variety of ingredients that will help.

If the medicated shampoo fail


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Hair loss prevention save your hair now

Hair Loss Prevention - Save your Hair Now!

Men, do you like to style your hair everyday? Do you use gels and creams and waxes to make it sleek and cool? Women, do you use hairdryers or curling irons daily? Do you stretch your hair with braids or ponytails, and even overuse hair color?

hair loss, hair loss treatment, treatment, causes, products, female, male, men, women, DHT

Men, do you like to style your hair everyday? Do you use gels and creams and waxes to make it sleek and cool?

Women, do you use hairdryers or curling irons daily? Do you stretch your hair with braids or ponytails, and even overuse hair color?

Frequent abuse is one of the causes of hair loss. If we want to save our hair, this is the first step that we should be aware of. See if you are observing the following:

Avoid rubbing your hair too vigorously and styling your hair when its wet. This can cause it to stretch and break. Be careful in using permanent dyes or color on your hair. These chemicals usually cause hair damage.

Eat your vitamins! Our hair is composed of a protein called keratin. It is good to find a vitamin or food supplement that will nourish this type of protein. Also, take vitamins that have antioxidants. These fight free radicals that can damage healthy cells in our body including our hair.

Have a well-balanced diet. Eat foods that have high protein content such as Lean Meats, Peanuts and Almonds, Eggs, Legumes, Oatmeal, Whole Grain Bread and Cottage Cheese. Keeping yourself physically healthy will prevent you from taking medications that can cause hair loss.

Regular exercise and getting enough sleep naturally maintains overall health, as well as lowering stress in our lives. You may ask, are stress and hair loss related? Absolutely!

If you are currently in the middle of a problem, you may be stressed. If you are putting a very high demand of your physical and mental energy to perform higher and above your capacity, you may be stressed too. Usually, hair loss happens after the onset of a very stressful situation or event. Telogen Effluvium is the medical name given to hair loss induced stress.

When you realize that you are stressed, you must think of ways on how you can effectively manage it. One good technique is the art of disassociation. It is a kind of meditation you can do by imagining that the cause of your stress is moving farther and farther away from you. You can feel a sense of calmness and it will show in your face and in your actions. This is an important tool to allow your body to calm down and remove built-up stress.

Another tool to use in managing stress is to have a form of relaxation that you enjoy doing. For example, if you like reading or watching a good movie, then do these activities often to release stress. Engaging in sports is the best way that some people use to relax themselves. Pick out a fun activity that will suit you.

All of us want beautiful and healthy hair. Therefore, consciously caring for it should be a daily habit. It is better to be safe than sorry so dont take your hair for granted! It is sometimes unfortunate that we appreciate what we have when we already lost them. Take care of your hair before its too late.


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Hair loss not the end of the world

Hair Loss, Not The End Of The World

So your losing your hair? Feels like its the end of the world does it? Well I'm here to give you some good news and some bad news. We will start with the bad first and that is unfortunately hair loss isn't the only annoying change that goes with breaking into the golden years. Other changes include erectile dysfunction, swelling prostates, urinary symptoms that go with large prostates, decreasing time in stage 4 sleep, and the list goes on and on. The way I see it going bald ...

hair loss

So your losing your hair? Feels like its the end of the world does it? Well I'm here to give you some good news and some bad news. We will start with the bad first and that is unfortunately hair loss isn't the only annoying change that goes with breaking into the golden years. Other changes include erectile dysfunction, swelling prostates, urinary symptoms that go with large prostates, decreasing time in stage 4 sleep, and the list goes on and on. The way I see it going bald is the least of your concerns.

Ok so the good news is that in today's age of pharmacy, there are several great options to solve many of the above mentioned problems, including hair loss. So you don't have to just accept your genetically determined fate. Not only are there good pharmalogical options but the semi surgical options of hair implants are always improving.

So what causes hair loss otherwise known as male pattern baldness? Well it is in the genes as mention


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Hair loss let us discuss the reasons

Hair Loss- Let Us Discuss The Reasons

Why should perfectly good hair begin falling down? When they do begin falling, we worry endlessly and try to find remedies. What are the reasons for hair fall?

hair,hair care,hair loss,remedies,chemical,cancer,medicines,pregnancy,alopecia aerta,

Why should perfectly good hair begin falling down? When they do begin falling, we worry endlessly and try to find remedies. What are the reasons for hair fall? Let us try and find out as many of them as we can and find out how to stop that.

Hair loss - some reasons

The main reason other than genetic or a disorder is mishandling of hair. When we have good hair, we want to experiment with that. We get it colored. Go for perming. Get other heat and chemical treatments done to look good. Every treatment that changes hair does it by hurting the cuticle. After many treatments the cuticle cannot take it and breaks down. The cortex (inner part of hair) also fails and hair breaks. If the chemicals reach the pore and destroy the follicle growth there, you lose the hair.

Chemotherapy in cancer makes one loose hair. That is temporary and because of the therapy. After sometime the hair grows back. Some medicines cause hair loss. If you are on medi


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Hair loss in women

Hair Loss In Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

In the past few decades, hair loss in women has become a growing problem. More and more women are complaining of thinning hair. There are a number of reasons for this hair loss. Most often it is because of a hormonal imbalance, other times, hair loss is an after effect of surgery or pregnancy.

women hair loss

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

In the past few decades, hair loss in women has become a growing problem. More and more women are complaining of thinning hair. There are a number of reasons for this hair loss. Most often it is because of a hormonal imbalance, other times, hair loss is an after effect of surgery or pregnancy.

Taking specific medications such as the birth control pill, blood thinners, or anti fungal medication can also cause hair loss in women. Women who have had chemotherapy treatment have also experienced hair loss. And these are just a few of the many causes out there.

Diseases and hair loss In Women

There are also certain diseases that can cause hair loss in men and women. One of the warning signs of diabetes is hair loss for example. Specific tests need to be done to rule this or any other disease out as a cause of hair loss before you take any further action.

When Is Hair Loss In Women Normal?

At any given point


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Hair loss help

Hair Loss Help

Sometimes, hair loss and hair thinning leaves significant impact on confidence and psychology of a person. After reading this article, you will be able to manage your hair loss problem by establishing the cause of hair loss in you and taking care of your health and hair.

hair loss help, hair problems and solutions, hair care help, hair loss advice, hair growth help, hair problem nutrition

Long, lustrous and silky hair are trade mark of many, especially females. A female's hair are her best natural accessories to carry and obviously show and even compete with her same sex friends. But if you are amongst those 60% of the females, who is suffering / with hair problems, then you know the shock of being less haired over your head. The major problem is that the hair loss in females is considered as a taboo in society and this adds to salt into bounds of the females suffering with hair loss or hair thinning problems. Women themselves do not feel comfortable in openly discussing their problems, however, men can openly discuss openly and thus able to try on several treatment options including treatment of hair loss using medications, etc.

You are not the only woman, who is suffering with hair loss and feeling difficulty in openly discussing and finding resolution of hair problems. According to a clinical analysis, one in every fo


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Hair loss due to various diseases or surgery

Hair Loss Due To Various Diseases Or Surgery

Most times, hair loss is explained in the context of genetics and a change in the hormonal balance of ones body. However, hair loss can also be a symptom of an underlying disease or a result from a surgery.

Skin diseases that affect the scalp form one disorder that can result in hair loss. The nutrients, minerals and supplements are lost rapidly in the hair and scalp. With any of these skin diseases, it will usually cause hair loss either because of the effects from the i...

hair loss surgery

Most times, hair loss is explained in the context of genetics and a change in the hormonal balance of ones body. However, hair loss can also be a symptom of an underlying disease or a result from a surgery.

Skin diseases that affect the scalp form one disorder that can result in hair loss. The nutrients, minerals and supplements are lost rapidly in the hair and scalp. With any of these skin diseases, it will usually cause hair loss either because of the effects from the immune system or because of the lack of nutrients that are not available from the disease.

Cancer, lupus or diabetes are other conditions that can cause your hair to fall out. Because the nutrients are not balanced in the body from these diseases, it may cause side effects or problems with hair loss. This is known as a side effect of an underlying problem that is more severe.

When you are losing hair from a surgery, it is usually either a side effect of the disease, or


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Hair loss don t rule out a thyroid condition

Hair Loss: Dont Rule Out a thyroid Condition

If you suffer from hair loss you might want to make sure that your problem is not caused by a thyroid condition.

hair loss remedy, hairloss, treatment for baldness

If you suffer from hair loss you might want to make sure that your problem is not caused by a thyroid condition. Although the usual reasons for hair loss are genetic predetermination, hormonal changes, or certain cancer treatments, thyroid hair loss should also be considered.

There are three types of hair loss; thyroid hair loss, autoimmune alopecia, and male pattern hair loss. Thyroid hair loss can manifest in both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. In those with thyroid hair loss, there will be a general thinning of the hair, without the bald patches characteristic of male pattern baldness.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, dry skin, abnormal sensitivity to cold, constipation and depression. If you one or more of these symptoms along with loss of hair, think about getting tested for thyroid problems.

Synthroid is commonly prescribed in hypothyroidism; this medication is effective however, it can produce thyroid hair loss as


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Hair loss caused by lichen planus

Hair Loss Caused By Lichen Planus

There are several factors that can result in hair loss. One common disease is a disorder known as lichen planus. This particular disease is not in itself a direct cause but it is an important trigger and often causes complications with the scalp and can lead to this problem.

Lichen planus is more of a skin disorder that also affects other areas of the body. Thus, it can not only affect the skin and body, but also the scalp. When the scalp is affected, hair loss is experien...

hair loss, lichen planus

There are several factors that can result in hair loss. One common disease is a disorder known as lichen planus. This particular disease is not in itself a direct cause but it is an important trigger and often causes complications with the scalp and can lead to this problem.

Lichen planus is more of a skin disorder that also affects other areas of the body. Thus, it can not only affect the skin and body, but also the scalp. When the scalp is affected, hair loss is experienced. Licen phanus is usually considered to be an allergic reaction and is often associated with a poor immune system. Some believe that lichen planus is triggered from excessive stress. Stress weakens the bodys immune system and render it susceptible to infection and other health symptoms such as hair loss. The chances of getting another lichen planus attack rise with the first affliction, even with treatment and prevention measures.

Lichen planus is most identifiable by the changes in the skin that occur. There will be itching in cert


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Hair loss biotin is food for your hair

Hair Loss: Biotin is Food for Your Hair

Biotin plays a significant part in the prevention of hair loss

hair loss, nutrition, biotin, vitamins

Biotin plays a significant part in the prevention of hair loss. Most nutritionists agree that biotin is one of the important vitamins for supporting hair growth. It is also commonly advised to take biotin to supplement medical treatments such Minoxidil or Propecia.

A deficiency of biotin may cause hair to become frail and unhealthy, and hair breakage, which may result in hair loss. Biotin also keeps your skin and nails healthy as well as being an important element of new hair growth.
Supplements are sometimes needed to return biotin levels to normal, but it is recommended to include biotin regularly in your diet. Two foods containing good quantities of biotin are liver and egg yolks. You would have to eat thousands of calories worth daily to get enough for your hair needs, which is why I would also suggest biotin supplements.

Foods full of biotin include brewer's yeast, green peas, oats, soybeans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, green peas, bulgur and brown rice. In terms of the egg yolks, your body's ability


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Hair loss best solution

Hair Loss Best Solution

When addressing a problem, any problem, 50% of the solution is accurate diagnostic of what exactly is the problem. Such accurate diagnostic of your boldness status will supply you with the tools to fight back, stop hair loss, and regain your thick hair.

hair loss,hair loss treatment,hair,hair loss products, prevent hair loss, hair loss solutions,hair loss cure, hair loss remedy, hair loss restoration

When addressing a problem, any problem, 50% of the solution is accurate diagnostic of what exactly is the problem. Such accurate diagnostic of your boldness status will supply you with the tools to fight back, stop hair loss, and regain your thick hair.

Every hair follicle has life cycle of between two and six years, which ends with the hair falling and a new one replacing it. 90% of the hair is at the growing stage, ANAGEN, at this stage the hair grows about 0.3 mm everyday and it last three years. The next stage is resting, KATAGEN, at this stage the hair does not grow and stay static for three weeks. The last stage takes place when the hair falls, TELOGEN, it can take up to three months to the hair to fall. Normally, at this stage new hair is growing.

The average person loses between 50 to 100 hairs daily. The hair grows about one CM a month. Blond people have more hairs, about 140,000, in compare to darker hair people who have 90,000. Old people tend to lose more hairs then growing them back.

Hair loss is usually diagnostic when large areas of the scalp are left with only thin hair. Usually people notice hair loss when they comb, or at the shower. The hair loss results from the pressure on the hairs during these activities, and not necessarily indicates that you have hair loss problem. One way to test if we are losing our hair is to pull your hair if you end up with more than 4-5 hairs in your hand you might have a problem. Another test is counting the hairs on your pillow in the morning. More than 8 hairs are indication to serious hair loss.

Women and men lose hair differently. Among men hair loss is usually related to hormones and genetics. It is a hereditary phenomenon which could jump over generations. While women, suffer from a larger variety of reasons. Hereditary is the main reason, as with men, and more reasons like: cold weather, high fever diseases, infective diseases, lack of protein, depression, high cholesterol, and more.

Hairs on the pillow are usually a result of hereditary, typical men oriented. Another symptom, is losing hair from the forehead, AGA, the hair becomes downy and thin until it completely falls off. According to popular estimations about 70% of men suffer from boldness by the age of fifty. About 25% of women under forty suffer from hair loss, and 50% over fifty suffer from thin hair look.

Now you probably say: OK we need help, where can we get it? Look for natural solutions. Keep looking until you find the best one for you. Do not stop looking for you will find a good solution eventually.


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Hair loss basic understanding

Hair Loss Basic Understanding

Before solving a problem one must understand the problem. Hair loss is the most common medical problem. Millions of people all over the world are struggling in the endless battle to stop their hair loss. How ever, most of them did not spend a couple of minutes learning what exactly the meaning of hair loss is. Read the following lines to learn the basics about hair, hair loss and hair loss treatments.

Did you know that an average scalp has about 150,000 hair follicles and ...

Hair loss treatments, hair loss, hair growth

Before solving a problem one must understand the problem. Hair loss is the most common medical problem. Millions of people all over the world are struggling in the endless battle to stop their hair loss. How ever, most of them did not spend a couple of minutes learning what exactly the meaning of hair loss is. Read the following lines to learn the basics about hair, hair loss and hair loss treatments.

Did you know that an average scalp has about 150,000 hair follicles and hair more than 90% of them are continuously growing.

What is hair?
Hair is the fastest growing tissue of the body. It is made of keratins which are a type of proteins. Each hair strand includes three layers: the medulla (the inner layer), the cortex and the cuticle. Hair grows from roots Those roots get the vital ingredients to the hair growth by the blood. The roots are a living tissue but the visible hair strand is a dead tissue. Therefore, any hair loss treatment


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Hair loss are you suffering from alopecia aerata

Hair Loss- Are You Suffering From Alopecia Aerata?

Hair loss is a common problem. But most of the people who suffer hair loss never understand why their hair is falling. It is a mystery for most of us.

hair loss,alopecia aerata,baldness,hair,hair care,treatment,

Hair loss is a common problem. But most of the people who suffer hair loss never understand why their hair is falling. It is a mystery for most of us. Because of not understanding, we try many therapies including different diets and natural formulations. But most of the times, we find no improvement. That is very disappointing and we accept the fact of hair loss and stop trying. This need not be done. Once we understand all the possible reasons of hair loss, we can surely find out what is happening to us and take an informed decision. Alopecia aerata is one of common causes of hair loss. Let us find out about that.

Hair loss- what is alopecia aerata?

Alopecia aerata is an autoimmune disease. In this disease the body attacks the hair follicles and kills them. The body begins to think that hair follicles are foreign objects and wants to remove them. Why it does that is a mystery.

Hair loss pattern in alopecia aerata

You may begin losing


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Hair loss aloe vera treatment and other natural hair loss treatments

Hair Loss Aloe Vera Treatment And Other Natural Hair Loss Treatments

Many people feel that the problem of hair loss cannot be solved with the help of hair loss treatment products. They often get frustrated after spending too much money on ineffective hair loss remedies and their side effects with no positive results at all. In reality, hair loss treatment can be divided in two categories: Natural hair loss treatments and chemical treatments.

Here are some best hair natural hair loss treatments:

Aloe Vera
Indians, Native Americans and Ca...

hair loss aloe vera, hair loss treatment product, natural hair loss treatments, stop hair loss

Many people feel that the problem of hair loss cannot be solved with the help of hair loss treatment products. They often get frustrated after spending too much money on ineffective hair loss remedies and their side effects with no positive results at all. In reality, hair loss treatment can be divided in two categories: Natural hair loss treatments and chemical treatments.

Here are some best hair natural hair loss treatments:

Aloe Vera
Indians, Native Americans and Caribbeans have used Aloe Vera to promote healthy hair and prevent hair loss since ages. Aloe Vera balances the pH of the scalp and heals from within. It is also helpful in cleansing the pores. A general remedy of Aloe Vera gel with coconut milk and small amount of wheat germ oil used as a shampoo has shown great benefits. Aloe Vera surely helps you stop hair loss.


If you are affected with hair problems like eczema, psoriasis, dandruff or seborrhea you are requested to use jojoba oil. Native Americans and Mexicans have used jojoba oi


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Hair growth vitamins and minerals

Hair growth vitamins and minerals

There are three basic ways that nutritional diet vitamin supplements and amino acid supplements may act influence the hair follicles. The mineral rich and vitamin supplements may act directly on hair stimulating or inhibiting growth activity or they may act indirectly through other intermediaries.

amino acid supplements, nutritional diet vitamin supplements, online health supplements

There is some evidence from a few small studies that the western diet has changed significantly in the last 20 years and there are certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies likely to be found in a typical American diet.

There are nutrients and herbs that have the potential to affect hair growth in a positive or negative way.
There are three basic ways that nutritional diet vitamin supplements and amino acid supplements may act influence the hair follicles. The mineral rich and vitamin supplements may act directly on hair stimulating or inhibiting growth activity or they may act indirectly through other intermediaries. For example, a vitamin supplement or herb may influence the production of a hormone to which hair follicles are sensitive. This change in hormone activity in turn may change the activity of the hair follicles.

Some minerals and vitamins can influence the activity levels of another vitamin and minerals. For example, intake


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Hair every woman s crowning glory

Hair: Every Woman's Crowning Glory

The article deals with the importance of hair in both men and women. It also tackles the social significance of hair as well the number of problems encountered by people in caring for their hair. The problem of hair loss and the availability of hair care products and treatments are given emphasis in the article.

hair loss , fatigue

Hair is often referred to as a woman's crowning glory. Aside from a woman's face, her hair is the most visible part of her body. No wonder, most women make such a big fuss over their hair. While going completely bald is already socially accepted even among women, there was once a time when women had to grow long hair. Almost like their very own pet, women take care of their hair with great care. They spend enormous amounts of money and time just to retain the smoothness and shine of their hair, which can be straight, wavy, long, or short.

As part of the hair care regimen, most women place considerable attention to choosing their shampoo and conditioner. There are now different shampoo formulas and conditioners for all hair types. There are products that were specifically prepared for oily hair, dry hair, damaged hair, and normal hair. There are also anti-dandruff shampoos, baby shampoos, and a host of other hair products that are used to moisturize, smoothen, and strengthen hair.

Surely, there is more to hair that just the shiny images that we see in t.v. commercials. Hair is defined as a filamentous outgrowth of protein. The hair follicles grow out from the epidermis but the roots are planted deep in the dermis. Hair comes in different colors, contour, and diameter.

In society, hair is very important because it somehow denotes a person's health, age, virility, and social status. Throughout the ages, it has played an important role in the lives of people --- from the lowly peasant, to the middle class, to the men and women of royalty. During the pre-modern era, each social class had its own particular hairstyle. One's hairstyle can lead to rejection or acceptance in certain groups or social classes. It can enhance a person's appearance, self-confidence, and even contribute to career advancement.

Given the weight of importance on hair, many people have developed a fear of losing hair. Unfortunately, losing hair is but a natural human process much like the falling of tree leaves. Hair loss that involves the shedding of at least 100 strands a day may be considered a serious hair problem. Losing about 50 hair strands a day, however, is quite normal. Thinning of hair may lead a patch or bald spot on the scalp. Normal hair grows in cycles and consists of three stages: growing, resting, and falling.

Hair loss, as a physical problem, has three general types, as indicated below,

l     Alopecia Areata This refers to a loss of hair that results in a patch or bald spot.

l     Androgenetic Alopecia It is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women. It is caused by a combination of four factors: age, testosterone, hormone levels, and heredity.

l     Chronic Illness Iron deficiencies, thyroid diseases, connective tissue disease, and syphilis may cause hair loss.

l     Telogen Effluvium This type of hair loss is caused by high fever, crash dieting, acute illness including physical and emotional stress.

l     Scalp Diseases Fungal and bacterial infections also cause hair loss.

l     Drugs Certain anti-cancer and anti-coagulant drugs can also cause hair loss.

l     Excessive hairstyling Hairstyling like the pony tail or braiding can stretch the hair and pull them out from the follicles.

Loss of hair should not be seen as simply an aesthetic issue. It could be the sign of a more serious illness. It is wise to consult a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:

l     You are already losing hair rapidly even if you are only in your early twenties or in your teenage years.

l     You are experiencing pain or intense itching.

l     The skin on your scalp appears to be red or scaly.

l     You are experiencing weight gain, fatigue, and intolerance for cold temperature.

The good news is that there are several hair loss treatments available in the market. The key is to try to control your stress and anxiety over your hair loss. With the variety of hair loss treatments and hair care products, no one should feel down about losing the crowning glory.


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Hair cloning research for hair transplant procedures

Hair Cloning Research for Hair Transplant Procedures

The future of hair transplant procedures is in the laboratories at this very time. Scientists are working together to find a way to make the surgery work for more people. They also want to see it work better for the types of people who have hair transplants today. One area of research is hair cloning.

Hair cloning promises to be a revolutionary procedure that would give people with little hair a chance to have hair transplant surgeries. It would do this by multiplying the hair a patient already has rather than using up the good hair that still exists on the patient's head.

Hair cloning is done by taking stem cells, or dermal papilla cell, and cloning them in a laboratory setting. They are then multiplied and combined. The end result is an increase in the number of hairs available for hair transplant.

Not only is hair cloning possible, it has been proven in many scientific studies. Recently one group of researchers did a culture whereby they multiplied the number of dermal papilla cells. With this being possible, hair cloning is a single step away.

Hair transplant procedures that use cloned hair are farther off, though. The research cannot be done as to whether these hairs can safely and effectively be transplanted onto a person's scalp yet. First, they cloning process will have to be completely perfected. Only then can the hair transplant trials begin.

More research needs to be done to find out which hair cells can be used for hair cloning and then hair transplant procedures. Some of the available cells go through several stages before ending in cell death in a very short time. These cells would not be adequate for use with hair transplant surgery. There seem to be other cells which last longer and would work for this application.

A scientist named Dr. Gho has done some work and acquired a Dutch patent on his work with hair multiplication. It is unclear whether this is much like hair cloning or not. That is because Dr. Gho neglects to submit his findings to be published in medical journals. Without review by other doctors, Gho's theories cannot be tried and evaluated.

Certain types of auto-immune diseases, such as alopecia areata can now be treated by means of hair transplant techniques by using the donor strip method. Yet, in the future, hair cloning will make hair transplant easier for these people who often have very little hair to use for grafts.

Some people believe that hair transplant grafts using cloned hair would be about the same cost as the usual hair transplants that are available today. Other experts believe that the price will be much higher - perhaps three or four times per graft higher - because of the specialized methods required to do the work.

Hair cloning is probably not as far away as one might think. It might be ready for use with hair transplant procedures as soon as five years from now, or even sooner. If you are considering getting a hair transplant but you want to wait awhile, hair cloning is something to think about.


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Hair care tips

Hair Care Tips

Hair care tips can be used to keep your hair healthy and disease-free. Hair dietary tips and Hair Care formula can be useful in maintain healthy hair and natural hair loss prevention.

Hair Care Tips Natural Hair Loss Prevention Hair Care Products Hair Loss Treatments Hair Loss Remedy Hair Growth Formula Hair Care Remedy.

Proper hair care can stop hair loss and save you from becoming bald. Hair loss may be due to the effect of hormones or hereditary factors. Experts say hair loss occurs owing to ill-treatment of hair, chemical use on hair, illness, lack of adequate vitamins and minerals in food intake and mental stress.

So, do not make your natural hair unnatural by applying hair care products which contain chemical. Know the hair care products before using them. If you neglect your hair, you will face hair loss even in your young age and need hair loss treatment.

Improper washing, combing, brushing of hair will make hair loss. Experts advise to wash hair twice a week. If you have long hair, little more care is needed in washing, combing and brushing.

Balanced diet is also important. If you take nutritional foods, you can prevent hair loss. Besides, little exercise and adequate sleep is required to keep your hair healthy.

Hair loss treatment for men and hair l


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Hair care tips and more...

Hair care tips and more...

This article talks about how our hair is important for us, especially with women. It then           
describes the hair cycle and its normality. Hair loss is a medical condition for excessive loss of hair. Causes are included, and hairstyles that can contribute to hair loss. Finally, how to take care of your hair to avoid such a condition.

hair loss, pregnancy, diet, woman's health

An ideal woman is often pictured to be a person with a slender figure with long hair. Hair has always been important for every woman because it somehow reflects their personality. Having long shiny hair can seduce a man, it can land a woman in a shampoo commercial, or get compliments from others. It can reflect a woman's health and gives an impression that she is healthy, and that she is taking good care of herself. Of course, not all women would want long hair. It depends on their character, the weather, their lifestyle, and so on.

Hair has its own life cycle, usually from two to six years of hair growth. Each hair grows at least one centimeter per month. Ninety percent of the hair on the scalp is growing at any given time, while the remaining ten is at its resting phase. Specifically for women with long hair, it is considered normal for them to shed some hair as part of the cycle. Not to worry, since it is normally replaced as it grows back in the same follicle on one's head. Most people lose about fifty to a hundred of head hair strands a day. If one is losing more than those mentioned, a particular health condition can be seen, which would be hair loss.

Also called alopecia, it is basically the excessive hair loss of one person. This specific health condition may arise due to several causes. From three or four months after an illness or a major surgery, the patient may suffer from hair loss. This is usually temporary and is related to the stress of their particular illness. Another cause could arise from hormonal problems, primarily from imbalanced male and female hormones (androgens and estrogens). Pregnancy can also cause hair loss, usually three months after the woman conceived her baby. This is also related to the woman's hormones, because during pregnancy, high levels of female hormones cause the body to keep hair that normally falls out. When such hormones get back to pre-pregnancy stages, hair falls out and the hair cycle starts normally once again. Certain medications can also cause hair loss, including blood thinners, gout medications, chemotherapy medications, birth control pills, and anti-depressants.

Hair treatments, such as hair coloring, bleaching, straightening, perms, and certain hairstyles (braids and cornrows) can also contribute to a person's hair loss. A condition called traction alopecia is present if a person ties or pulls her/his hair tightly that causes tension on the scalp. This particular condition may be permanent if the hairstyle is worn for a long period of time, long enough to damage the person's hair follicles.

Hair care is important to avoid these hair conditions. By eating a well balanced diet, hair is given its full health benefits. Washing hair gently with shampoo once a day, lathering gently, and not rubbing the hair too much on the towel to dry proves effective in taking care of one's crowning glory. Avoid the use of hair dryers as much as possible, and style hair when its is dry or damp, not when still wet. Be careful to use certain hair care products as there are chemicals (especially those found in hair coloring or hair straightening treatments), which can also damage the hair.


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Hair care through egg

Hair Care Through Egg

Egg has become an important part of your hair and skin care diet. Everyone wants to have beautiful and lustrous hair. With the use of raw eggs anyone can find themselves with beautiful hair. One need not cross the seven continents to find a raw egg. Every house can easily get a good supply of raw eggs. These can be used for making some of the best hair conditioners. The properties of egg create a needed impact on your dull and dry hair. It helps the hair to recreate itself. I...

Hair Care with Egg, Egg Shampoo, Egg Conditioner, Egg hair mask, Smooth and Lustrous Hair

Egg has become an important part of your hair and skin care diet. Everyone wants to have beautiful and lustrous hair. With the use of raw eggs anyone can find themselves with beautiful hair. One need not cross the seven continents to find a raw egg. Every house can easily get a good supply of raw eggs. These can be used for making some of the best hair conditioners. The properties of egg create a needed impact on your dull and dry hair. It helps the hair to recreate itself. It maintains the texture of your hair by the presence of the important elements.

Some Home Based Recipes

For strong and beautiful hair you can mix 2 egg yolks (depending on length of your hair) with 2 tsp. castor oil. Massage this mixture on your hair. Keep it for sometime then rinse it thoroughly.

Whip up two raw eggs. Pour this mixture on your hair by massaging. Let it dry. Shampoo your hair and then give vinegar and water rinse. Follow this procedure every month


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Hair bows lingo

Hair Bows Lingo

Makers of hair bows have to quickly learn that there are different widths of ribbons. The width is the length across the ribbon. The more common widths used are 1.5, 7/8, 5/8, and 3/8. Some the lesser used ones are the really wide ribbons in 2.25, which make a really large and thick hair bow. Sometime ribbon factories make ribbon in 1 widths. This width is very close to the 7/8 and is sometimes hard to tell the difference. Ribbon manufacturing companies can come out wi...

hair bows,hair bow,hairbows,hairbow,bow hair,how to make bows,how to make hair bows,bows how to

Makers of hair bows have to quickly learn that there are different widths of ribbons. The width is the length across the ribbon. The more common widths used are 1.5, 7/8, 5/8, and 3/8. Some the lesser used ones are the really wide ribbons in 2.25, which make a really large and thick hair bow. Sometime ribbon factories make ribbon in 1 widths. This width is very close to the 7/8 and is sometimes hard to tell the difference. Ribbon manufacturing companies can come out with their own unique widths, but generally, these are your only options.

The 1.5 width is a good ribbon width to start with because there is more to hold and work with. The 7/8 or 5/8 widths are good for making center knots for the bows. The 3/8 is a nice width for very little bows or they make a nice center for a larger hair bow. I would not suggest knotting a 3/8 width ribbon unless it was for a very tiny hair bow, or you are placing it on top of a 7/8 or 5/8 width ribbon and then knotting it for a fun look.

Some ribbon maker


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Hair analysis test for diagnosis

Hair analysis test for diagnosis

Analysis of hair is a very useful method of defining exposure to heavy metals. A hair analysis can reveal whether a person has had a chronic exposure to chemical toxins in the environment. And of course hair analysis can be used to show that an individual has been using illegal drugs.

hair analysis, hair analysis test, female hair loss questions, hair mineral analysis, female hair loss question

The decision of when to perform a laboratory evaluation or a hair analysis test in women experiencing hair loss should be made on an individual basis by the hair restoration specialist. In this article we briefly describe some of the situations where a hair restoration doctor may order lab tests. It is important to note that this is just an overview for your general information so you can understand the reason and the result if you are asked for hair analysis or laboratory tests.

When a hair loss specialist or physician orders some laboratory tests, these hair analysis tests are ordered only after specific clinical information or after observing and carefully evaluating your hair loss. Understanding the basis of these hair analysis tests helps you to understand the cause of your hair loss and also helps you to make an informed decision for a particular hair loss treatment.

While hair loss directly due to a deficiency in a nutrient is believed to be rare, a large industry has developed in recent years bas


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Hair accessories when and how to use them

Hair Accessories: When And How To Use Them

In the 80s, the hair accessory was invaluable. Almost every style involved some sort of accessory or embellishment to really set it off. Today, hair accessories not a part of everyday style and care should be taken as to when and how to use them so that you will not look dated.

With that said, there are some occasions that scream for accessories: Work, social occasions and formal events may all have you searching for the perfect accessory to set off your look. While differ...

Hair, hairstyle, beauty, fashion

In the 80s, the hair accessory was invaluable. Almost every style involved some sort of accessory or embellishment to really set it off. Today, hair accessories not a part of everyday style and care should be taken as to when and how to use them so that you will not look dated.

With that said, there are some occasions that scream for accessories: Work, social occasions and formal events may all have you searching for the perfect accessory to set off your look. While different occasions will call for different hair accessories, a good rule of thumb to follow is to choose the sedate accessory over one that could not go unnoticed in a crowd of a few hundred or a few thousand.

While choosing the right one can be tricky, there are a few pointers that you can follow to help you pick the perfect hair accessories to complete your look. Here are just a few:

Work. In many work situations, you will likely have to wear your hair up. No matter if your type of employment requires it or you simply like to change you


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Hagerty ensures classics stay on the road

Hagerty Ensures Classics Stay on the Road

This article tells the reader about Hagerty insurance company and what it does for the average consumer.

luxury, luxury cars, exotic cars, luxury car rental, exotic car rental

Hagerty is a multifaceted network of specialty services for classic car collectors. Hagerty is an insurance company that insures classic automobiles that are generally difficult to insure. Hagerty Plus is an exclusive private club that offers an array of additional services of specific interest to collectors of classic cars. There is a members-only Web site that serves as a forum to exchange and gather information from collectors and industry experts. There also is a quarterly publication that is an excellent source for news and events.

The concierge service is probably the greatest privilege of a Hagerty Plus membership. Members are welcomed to submit questions or request info on any collector car or related topic such as tips on restoration, buying and selling, car care, and driving. If an appropriate response is not readily available, the query will be thoroughly researched and resolved. Every monthly the Web site is updated with articles and information from renowned experts, journalists, and fellow hobbyists.

Hagerty also is an advocacy group that stays abreast of government issues affecting classic cars. Members are contacted immediately if their state is proposing law changes or legislation that could affect them. Surveys and questionnaires are frequently conducted among members and various types of professional-service providers to monitor and report worthwhile news to members. Hagerty also supports the Collectors Foundation, which is a non-profit organization that endows scholarships or grants to individuals and organizations involved in the preservation and restoration of classic cars.

The organization also offers insurance to classic boats. Most cruisers and trawlers, mono-hull sailboats, runabouts, utilities, skiffs, and launches can be insured. Check out Hagerty's Private Client Services. It caters to owners with vehicles valued at $250,000 or more or collections that exceed $500,000.


Government Car Auctions Provide Cheaper Cars Than Anywhere Else

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Had enough of the public email system let s go private.

Had Enough Of The Public Email System? Let's Go Private.

The public email system is so polluted with email invaders -- those creatures who will stop at nothing to get into your email box with unsolicited junk, viruses and spyware -- isn't it time we got a private, regulated email system?

And what about personal privacy? Every email we send and receive these days is stored forever on many ISP servers. As an example, most free email services never delete any email, which means if someone with a subpoena wants to see what you wrote...

email, internet, encryption, privacy, viruses, spam, spyware, web, junk mail

The public email system is so polluted with email invaders -- those creatures who will stop at nothing to get into your email box with unsolicited junk, viruses and spyware -- isn't it time we got a private, regulated email system?

And what about personal privacy? Every email we send and receive these days is stored forever on many ISP servers. As an example, most free email services never delete any email, which means if someone with a subpoena wants to see what you wrote five years ago, the free public email network must cough it up.

And then there's the issue of sensitive information you need to send to another party. You shouldn't use a phone, cell phone, fax, or public email because all of those are so easy to intercept. But if you were using a private, encrypted email network, you could send sensitive information with 100% confidence.

If you're a WiFi user, you really are vulnerable. Most WiFi networks are not protected, not up-to-date, which means when you log on and start sending email, every keystroke of yours can easily be intercepted by another laptop user just yards away. However, a private, encrypted email network would save you.

Okay, enough day dreaming. There really is a private email network that offers one-to-one private and encrypted messaging and file transfers. It's about time, actually. The new private system is called "Eyes Only Email" and it's free to register. The software is also free.

Here's just one fact you should be aware of: 1 in 8 Internet users have had a major, often costly spyware problem. (Consumer Reports, State of the Net 2006, 08/06.) Spyware does not and cannot exist on Eyes Only Email, a private messaging network.

If you're unhappy with the public email network, then take yourself off the grid and go private for one-on-one communications. You'll enjoy absolute privacy, encryption, and confidence.


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Hacking the web raises security issues

Hacking The Web Raises Security Issues

If there is one thing that people do not want to put up with when they are online, it is a hacker that disrupts Internet connections and even affects the files a user has on a computer. Here is a look at how hacking the web raises security issues and how hackers can be stopped so that these security issues will not be a problem.

One of the ways that hacking the web raises security issues is that it can create dangerous software. Hackers can easily insert malware into a computer. This consists of files that can be especially damaging to the computer. The reason for these damaging capabilities is that a hacker can easily look through and edit files that are inside a website or the computer of a user on a website. Hacking the web raises security issues because it not only affects the websites involves, but it can also affect the users of the sites that have been affected.

Hackers who work on hacking the web can steal specific information that other groups may give to websites. This includes phone numbers that can be used to call people with unsolicited offers. In some cases, a hacker may have more control over the malware that is used and therefore insert this software into a mobile phone that is listed on a website database. This can cause the hacker to steal even more phone numbers.

In many cases, the hackers can send data to people on a contact list and this is then considered spam. They can send viruses and other pieces of malware that will only end up expanding the level of power that the hacker has. Some people may not know what to do with the emails that they get from a hacker because they may not know exactly whether the message is legitimate. This makes it clear that hacking the web raises security issues.

A hacker can steal the especially sensitive financial data, and this is another reason why hacking the web raises security issues. For people who are going to be sending financial information and other important pieces of data to a website the information can be especially important. A hacker for that person to use for that persons advantage can steal the information. This includes not only credit card numbers and other information regarding these cards but also Social Security numbers.

Since hacking the web raises security issues, it is best to use a few simple tips to work with improving security. For businesses that run websites that may be prone to hackers, it is best to install a good firewall onto the server. This can be used to help monitor incoming transmissions and block any software that is going to be sent to the server without the permission of the company that owns the server.

Having the appropriate antivirus software is needed. A typical firewall program will have all of this information. This can be used for a server as long as the program will automatically update itself as new information on viruses and other dangerous things that hackers may have to gain access to a website or your computer are known. With automatic updates, it will be easier to be protected.

In addition, for people who visit these sites, a firewall can be used. General measures that the average person should be using can help too. These include visiting only websites that can be trusted and by not opening any online links from any emails that may have been sent as a result from visiting any sites.

It is very clear that hacking the web raises security issues. By taking care of these risks with a good firewall and antivirus program and by recognizing how hackers will look into affecting a system it will be easier to handle hackers and any other dangerous things that may come around.

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Hackers Do Exist-Get More Information About anti virus

In the early days of personal computers, in the age of the DOS command-line operating system, there were viruses that hid their presence from the users and anti-virus programs. They did it by intercepting some system calls that were responsible for reading the files, and lied to the system by filling these calls with fake information. You could view an infected file right in front of your eyes and see nothing but legit code! These viruses were called 'stealth' in those days.

When computers evolved, Windows replaced the DOS. Old viruses did not run under the new operating system, and it wasn't easy to develop simple hacks to intercept system calls in Windows. But time has passed, and now there's a new wave of viruses that can work on Windows and hide their presence even more efficiently than the stealth viruses of the old days. These new viruses are called rootkits.Microsoft tried


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Habits you need to stop for better skincare

Habits You Need to Stop For Better Skincare

Good skincare habits are the primary determinants of healthy skin. This article discusses some bad skin care habits people should avoid to achieve better and healthier skin. It also provides information on how these habits can affect the skin along with tips on correcting them.


Most people have the idea that having clear and healthy skin costs a fortune. But, this is a misleading concept used for marketing skin care products and treatments. You may use the most expensive skin care products money can buy, but these can't guarantee a blemish-free and clear complexion. Why? Because skincare does not start with the products you use or the skin treatments you undergo. skin care depends on your habits and their effects on your skin. Below are some habits you can do without to achieve better skin:

Dehydrating your skin

You can slather on jars after jars of moisturizers on your face but these won't do any difference on your skin if it is dehydrated internally. The most it can do is give you an oily sheen and some zits. Not drinking at least eight glasses of water daily can dehydrate your skin and make it lose necessary moisture. Lack of moisture can make your skin lose its elasticity and suppleness. This can lead to a condition known as elderly itch. With this condition, your skin becomes rough and dry, hence, making it itch. This can lead to premature aging of the skin which can give it a leathery appearance.

Washing your skin excessively

Ideally, your skin should only be washed at least once or twice a day. Washing your skin more than twice daily strips it off the necessary oils needed to maintain surface moisture. Aside from stripping your skin off its natural oils, overwashing can lead to irritation, dryness, and skin conditions like eczema.

Foregoing sun protection

Your moisturizer container may proclaim that is has SPF 15 but this is not reason enough to forego applying sunscreen or sunblock. For total protection, your skin needs at least SPF 30, more if you are going out between 10am to 4pm when the sun's rays are at their strongest. Even if the day is cloudy, make it a point to wear sun protection since UV rays can penetrate clouds. Overexposure to the sun, can cause skin discoloration, sunburns, dryness, and other skin conditions. Use sunscreen on your face, lips, and other exposed body parts. Additional sun protection like hats, sunglasses, and umbrellas can also be used.

Touching your skin frequently

Your facial skin is very sensitive compared to the skin on the rest of your body. Touching it frequently such as by picking, rubbing, or scratching can irritate it and cause breakouts. Your hands also come into contact with a lot of surfaces and can transfer bacteria on your skin which can lead to cystic acne. Facial skin is also delicate since it is prone to sagging and wrinkling when touched frequently.

Using the wrong products

Just because a product worked well on another person, it does not mean that it will work great for you too. Choosing an inappropriate product for your skin type can worsen your skin's condition. For example, using an oil-based product for oily skin will make it oilier and prone to more breakouts.

These are just some habits that can damage your skin. To prevent your skin from aging prematurely or breaking out, be sure to improve your skin care habits. Good skin care habits coupled with the skin care products can make your skin healthier and better.


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Habits in healthy self and relationships

Habits in Healthy Self and Relationships

Sometimes we have to look at our habits to decide what we must do to cultivate healthy relationships and most importantly a healthy self. Our bad habits may lead us to stop smoking, doing drugs, drinking and so on. All of these habits will break our spirit and cause us to have bad health. Once you have bad habits, it is so hard to break it. It is almost in possible it you do not have some will power or a good reason to stop doing what you are doing. If your goal is to develop the healthy self and healthy relationships, then obviously you have a reason.

Things that are not good for you and your health like smoking, drinking, and drugs, over eating, is just a few habits we should focus on. Habits are hard to break, but if you work on self-improvement, you will cultivate the inner strength to overcome the habits that get in the way of your health.

Keep in mind; it takes time to break old habits. Therefore, you will have to work at breaking the habits each day. You will have to decide that this is what you really want to do. In order to decide what you want, you will have to dig down within the self. Go online today to learn the process of subliminal learning.

We must use positive affirmatives at all times to state what we expect of our self. This will lead you to decide why you want to stop. You want to consider health reasons in this instance, since your goal is to develop the healthy self and relationships.

You can also save money by working toward the healthy self. Once this is determined in your mind, it will be a little easier for you to stop. Although like all bad habits your going to have to work at it, this going to take some time so dont rush your self and beat your self up when you fail. Once you have decided that this is what you want to do then you might want to think of a replacement for your habit. For instance, if you intend to stop smoking to better your health, consider what you can substitute to keep your mouth and hands occupied.

It will not be easy to do at first but in time, it will become easy for you. You will even forget all about in due time. It is just going to take some time. As long as you know inside your mind what you intend to do, you will cultivate willpower to strengthen your life.

How can breaking bad habits improve my relationships?
Breaking bad habits can improve you in many ways. First, your mate probably hates kissing you if you are a smoker. If you stop smoking your mate may become more affectionate, which improves your relationship.

If you take drugs, it will affect your relationships in a negative way. Likely, you will burn out all of your relationships in the end. If this is a habit, then it is something you will want to break in order to develop healthy relationships and the self. Drinking too much will also affect your relationships. Thus, work toward better health and healthier relationships by putting those bad habits away. Do not think that you do not have the willpower to stop. You can find inner strength to support you, which is the process of creating the healthy self. You have the inner power to take control of your life and improve your relationships.


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H5n1 bird flu

H5N1 Bird Flu

Bird flu is the street name for the Influenza A virus, which is the virus that causes Avian flu. The name says it all, as Bird flu is a virus that is hosted by birds. With that said though it may infect several other species of mammals. First identified in Italy in around 1905 the virus is now known to exist worldwide. One strain of the H5N1 virus of avian influenza that first surfaced in 1997 has been identified as the most likely source of a future influenza pandemic around the world.

Bird Flu, bird flu, bird flu symptom, asian bird flu, avian bird flu, bird flu virus, bird flu msnbcmsncom site, bird flu pandemic, bird flu vaccine, bird flu indonesia, bird flu epidemic

Bird flu is the street name for the Influenza A virus, which is the virus that causes Avian flu. The name says it all, as Bird flu is a virus that is hosted by birds. With that said though it may infect several other species of mammals. First identified in Italy in around 1905 the virus is now known to exist worldwide. One strain of the H5N1 virus of avian influenza that first surfaced in 1997 has been identified as the most likely source of a future influenza pandemic around the world.

Different strains of the virus may infect various type of animals. These animals include including birds, pigs, horses, seals, whales. It is even known that the virus could reach humans in mass. Avian influenza quickly spreads in the air and in manure. Contaminated feed, water, equipment and clothing can also increase transmission. There is no proof at the moment that the virus can survive in well cooked meat.

The incubation period for Bird Flu is 3 to


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Gynecological conditions and back pain


Gynecological Conditions and Back Pain

Women may sometimes achieve gynecological conditions, which start PMS (Premenstrual syndrome), endometriosis, inflammatory pelvis disease and so on. The condition causes back pain from inflammatory and swelling symptoms. Endometriosis occurs when endometrium is present. The mucous membrane, i.e. endometrium has a lining that is only present in the womb. The lining functions with the ovaries and other areas of the body. When inflamed, it causes back pain.

PMS is overrated. The condition is chiefly physiological, i.e. it only has physical traits that appear. PMS includes backaches, swelling, bloating, headaches, leg pain/cramps, cramps, abdomen pain/cramps, and other related physical conditions. PMS DOES not have mental and emotional symptoms, yet the emotions can act out when pain is present. Bloating, inflammation, swelling, etc causes back pain. Bed rest, regimens of over-the-counter PMS painkillers, compression, ice packs, etc can take care of the common pain caused from PMS.

Gynecological conditions can lead to limitability of spacing, which adds pressure. The pressure when overloaded can cause injury. The pelvis and spinal canal can suffer serious injury if too much pressure is applied, and insufficient spacing is present. Pressure can lead to sticking, scarring, and/or spinal cord damage, which can devastate you with pain. In addition, sciatica can set up, as well as movement restriction of the muscles, which of the two, sciatica is next to impossible to resolve.

Adhesive can cause back pain as well. Adhesive is seen as two connecting substances, chemicals, etc, such as bone and muscles. Adhesive means that potential scarring is present, which the scar has bridged two joining skeletal, or non-skeletal structures amid and that the structures were ordinarily not connected. For instance, the muscles do not connect to the flesh directly, which is an abnormal structure.

Gynecological conditions may include symptoms that emerge from gonorrhea, pelvis inflammatory conditions, PMS disorders, etc. Endometriosis is a condition that sets up gynecological problems as well, which is the migration of liner tissues deriving from the uterus and expanding to exterior locations outside of the female womb. This condition affects women, yet some men have been known to suffer gynecological symptoms as well.

Regardless of what started gynecological issues, the symptoms all include back pain, and specifically around the lower region. The condition can damage the nerves, which revolve around the Central Nervous System. (CNS) This baby is the largest structure in your system, which has confused medical experts for years. The central nervous system houses vital nerve roots, endings, etc, which if these nerves are disturbed it causes neurological conditions. Sometimes gynecological conditions move with neurological flow, since scarring and inflammation causes interruptions to a few of our bodies leading nerve endings.

When the nerves are irritated, fluids begin retention cycles and cause a person to gain weight. For instance, did you know that during the female cycle, she will gain around five pounds a week or so before the period starts? Yes and the weight gain will remain in tact up to one week after she has stopped her cycles.

Now, the problem here is water retention, yet behind this fluid buildup is a basic scar. The scar is usually hidden in the bands of connective tissues, buried deep that it takes special gadgets above x-rays to find the problem. The bloating you notice women may derive from Pelvic Congestion Syndrome, (PCS), which sometimes can link to fractures. You can quickly make the congestion disappear by lying flat on your back and resting for a short while.

However, if the congestion continues you may need to contact your doctor. Sometimes the swelling emerges from tumors, or prior surgeries. Make sure that your doctor is aware of previous surgeries.


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